Originally Posted By: bluage
Mr. Jane...

All right, dang it, all right, that's IT! You hear me??? I've had enough of this, ENOUGH!!! No more of these finely composed, lyrically imaginative, professionally produced songs in the "User Forums." It's too much. I can't take it anymore. cry

You "hope (we) like it"? You HOPE???!!! Mr. Jane, every time I listen to one of your songs, or "Janice & Bud's", or "guitarhacker(s)", or "TommyC(s)", or "Noel96(s)", and those of many, many other contributors to the forum who's names if included in this post would lengthen the time required to read it beyond most people's tolerance, I say to myself, "What the...?" There has GOT to be a larger audience for the music you folks gift to us. There just has to be.

So, right now, at this solemn moment in time and space, I propose that NOBODY gets to listen to "User Forum" songs unless they pay for them, got it? PayPal it, drop an envelope in the slot at the post office, install a coin slot on our PC's, I don't care, but this free listening to musical productions that people like you have labored over has got...to...stop! Shell out, or shut up. That'll solve the royalty collection issues you brought up in your recent thread.

Oh, yeah, and by the way, I really enjoyed listening to your song... cool

LOREN (a.k.a. "bluage")

LOL. Loren - thanks for a delightful post. We do have a slew of very talented songwriters and producers on this forum... I could easily double or triple your list.... it is nice to have our music listened to here in the forum in a pleasant, relaxed, supportive environment...

Originally Posted By: dani48
Hi, Floyd !:))

What a superb tune !
I loved everything
about it as I usually
do with all your tunes !
This time you chose a
rhytm that I love truly
much i.e. boogie !!!!
Boogie on, Floyd !!!


Thanks, Dani....