With every release of a new version of RealBand there are up to 50 new features added... keeping track of all the best ways to utilize these features can be tricky! Fortunately, RealBand offers a "Tip of the Day..." feature to make sure you get the most out of your RealBand experience! If you're not seeing your "Tip of the Day..." when you open RealBand, you can access it from the Help menu.

A few handy tips this feature offers include:
  • You can render an audio track as ACID Loop and save it to the Loops folder. Go to to menu Render | Export ACID Loop - Highlighted section or entire track to WAV in Loops Folder.
  • Do you want to get rid of multiple tempo changes from the song? The Tempo dialog has an option to wipe out all the existing tempos.
  • Edit | Tracks submenu is also found in the Tracks Window right-click menu.
  • The styles list can be exported to a spreadsheet. Press the [Copy List] button in StylePicker window, copy all in Notepad, and paste it into an Excel file.
  • In the Notation window, you can easily change bars per line. Press the [Bars] button on the Notation window toolbar to set the number of bars per line to a different value.

...and more! There are more than 240 tips offered with this feature!

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