Originally Posted By: texasprenegade
I have never in my decades of using and writing software seen a more confusing, disorganized, and cluttered user interface than Band in a Box, and never experienced a greater need for good tutorials. Please, fire the GUI department and start over. Start with mashing together Chordpulse and the Digitech Trio (but in software) -- each is stupidly easy to use. Complexity can be added in a better way than just cramming another button on the front page.

"a more confusing, disorganized, and cluttered user interface than Band in a Box"
That sounds about right, I appreciate your input from someone who is new to Biab, this gives the developers information to improve Biab.

Digitech Trio that uses Biab.
Chordpulse is good.

There is an easy solution, look for an icon called RealBand if you are not on a Mac.
Unless you are writing songs from scratch and need to change things around quickly, RealBand will do things easier as you can see what you are doing as the tracks are laid out in front of you.
Check out www.realband.org they have a lot of info and videos.

You can also use RealBand with ReWire generating up tracks to existing tracks in the DAW http://www.pgmusic.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=371691