Am I the only long-term user who can see the problem through the eyes of a beginner?

Nowhere does Texasprenegade say that he/she cannot work out how to do something with BIAB but all the resposes concentrate on being patient in learning how to use the software. This happens every time a newcomer critisizes the GUI. No-one is prepared to recognise the importance of how the GUI looks when you first see it. Yes, there are lots of offers to help but really everyone blaims the victim by telling them to try harder.

It's like someone critisizing the layout of a car's interior controls as being confusing only to be told "don't worry, you will get used to it, just persevere to learn them" Meanwhile sales of the new car are tanking and you can bet that the next model will have corrected the layout even if the functionality is no different. My 2014 Ford Escape has a terrible GPS GUI, so much so that I use my 10 year old Garmin mounted on the windshield. Ford paid attention to the comments and the 2016 version was a big improvement.

Sooner or later PG will start paying attention to beginner's comments instead of relying on the opinions of long-term users who have passed through the "right of passage" and are comfortable with the GUI. Yes, I know PG recently introduced an optional simplified GUI but it still needs a completely fresh approach. Personally, I have stayed with the previous version.
