We've added 202 new RealTracks with Band-in-a-Box 2017 for Mac - that's double the 101 that we've typically released in the past!

Brief summary of the new RealTracks

202 REALTRACKS in 24 sets:
-- Country, Folk and World - 10 sets, 59 RTs
-- Jazz, Funk and Blues - 6 sets, 63 RTs
-- Rock and Pop - 8 sets, 79 RTs

...and 24 BONUS REALTRACKS are also available! www.pgmusic.com/bbmac.bonuspaks_2017.htm

The 202 NEW RealTracks for Band-in-a-Box 2017 are included in the UltraPlusPAK, EverythingPAK, Audiophile Edition, and PlusPAK upgrade purchase options. Visit www.pgmusic.com/bbmac.packages.htm to pick the right purchase for you.

Want the additional 24 BONUS RealTracks? Those are available when you add the 49-PAK to your Band-in-a-Box 2017 for Mac purchase! To learn more about the 49-PAK, visit www.pgmusic.com/bbmac.bonuspaks_2017.htm.
The 49-PAK can be added to your order within the shopping cart.

Demo files, instruments, and summary of RealTracks Sets 254-277:

RealTracks Set 254: 12-key Hi-Q-Tab Brent Guitar, 12-key Eddy Pedal Steel and 12-key Mike Piano

Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryPopBrent12-key Ev 085
Guitar, Electric, Soloist TrainBeatBrent12-key Ev16 090
Pedal Steel, Background TrainBeatEddy12-key Ev16 090
Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm TrainBeatMike12-key Ev16 090

http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_GETEVEN.m4a [Even Pop Country w Guitar Solo]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_INERTIA.m4a [Inertia Train Country w Piano]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_ONTOUR.m4a [On Tour 12-key Pedal Steel Ctry]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_STATION.m4a [Station Train Ctry w 12-key Solo]

RealTracks Set 255: Amazing Modern Pedal Steel

Pedal Steel, Background CountryRockBoogie Sw 110
Pedal Steel, Background DreamySingleNote Ev 075
Pedal Steel, Background WestCoastBallad Ev 065
Pedal Steel, Rhythm LushChordsSlow Ev 075

http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_BYNIGHT.m4a [By Night Dreamy Country Ballad]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_COASTIN.m4a [Coastin' Calm West Coast Ballad]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_ICYWIND.m4a [Icy Wind Alternative Country]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_THERIDE.m4a [The Ride Gritty Country Boogie]

RealTracks Set 256: Brent Mason Nylon Guitar

Guitar, Nylon, Background SlowSwingBrent Sw 065
Guitar, Nylon, Background SwingBrent Sw 110
Guitar, Nylon, Background WaltzBrent Sw 085
Guitar, Nylon, Background WaltzBrent Sw 110
Guitar, Nylon, Fingerpicking CountryBrent Ev 085
Guitar, Nylon, Fingerpicking CountryBrent Ev 120
Guitar, Nylon, Fingerpicking SlowSwingBrent Sw 065
Guitar, Nylon, Fingerpicking SwingBrent Sw 110

http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_BLITHE.m4a [Blithe Bouncy Nylon Guitar Folk]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_GUIDEME.m4a [Guide Me Nylon Gtr Country Waltz]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_LOCKET.m4a [Locket Nylon Guitar 12-8 Ballad]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_LONGWAY.m4a [Longway Even Country Ballad]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_NEWLIFE.m4a [New Life Med Nylon Country Waltz]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_OLDYARD.m4a [Old Yard Nostalgic Country]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_RESOLVE.m4a [Resolve Steady Driving Country]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_THETOWN.m4a [The Town Warm Cinematic Country]

RealTracks Set 257: A Taste of Peru

Bass, Electric, PeruFestejo68 Sw 120
Bass, Electric, PeruValsCriollo Ev 140
Guitar, Nylon, Fingerpicking PeruFestejo68Melodic Sw 120
Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm PeruFestejo68 Sw 120
Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm PeruValsCriollo Ev 140



http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_JULIACA.m4a [Juliaca Vals Criollo Waltz Trio]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_FESTEJO.m4a [Peruvian Festejo Full Quartet]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_FESTRIO.m4a [Peruvian Festejo Rhythm Trio]

RealTracks Set 258: Latin America

Bass, Electric, AndesHuaynoA-B Ev16 085
Bass, Electric, AndesHuaynoOffbeat Ev16 085
Bass, Electric, AndesHuaynoTriad Ev16 085
Bass, Electric, PuertoRicoAguinaldo Ev16 120
Charango, Rhythm AndesHuayno Ev16 085
Cuatro, Rhythm PuertoRicoAguinaldo Ev16 120
Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm AndesHuayno Ev16 085
Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm PuertoRicoAguinaldo Ev16 120



http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_AGUINAL.m4a [4 Piece Puerto Rican Aguinaldo]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_HUAYNO.m4a [Andes Huayno Quartet w A-B Bass]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_HUAYNO2.m4a [Andes Huayno 2 with Offset Bass]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_HUAYNO3.m4a [Andes Huayno 3 with Triad Bass]

RealTracks Set 259: Old Time and Celtic

Autoharp, Rhythm OldTime Ev16 110
Autoharp, Rhythm OldTimeSlowWaltz Sw 085
Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm CelticPolkaFastReelQuinn Ev16 140
Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm CelticSlideFastJigQuinn Sw 140
Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Fast4toBarQuinn Ev 140
Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm FolkySwing Sw 110

http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_ACCORD.m4a [Accord Polka with Celtic Guitar]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_BUSTLIN.m4a [Bustlin' Celtic Trio w Guitar]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_COBWEBS.m4a [Cobwebs Old Time Folk w Autoharp]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_FOLKYSW.m4a [Folky Swing Band w/ Piano]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_GALWAY.m4a [Galway Fast Celtic Reel w Spoons]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_MYLILLY.m4a [My Lilly Old Tme Autoharp Waltz]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_PUBHALL.m4a [Pubhall Joyous Celtic Slide]

RealTracks Set 260: Celtic Harp

Harp, Rhythm Celtic16ths Ev16 075
Harp, Rhythm CelticJig Sw 110
Harp, Rhythm CelticWaltz Ev 110
Harp, Rhythm CelticWaltzSlow Ev 085

http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_ASCEND.m4a [Ascend Celtic Jig with Harp]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_ASTRAL.m4a [Astral Celtic Waltz with Harp]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_BHALSA.m4a [Bhalsa Slow Celtic Waltz w Harp]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_RAMPART.m4a [Rampart Celtic Harp Serenade

RealTracks Set 261: Sounds of Hawaii

Pedal Steel, Rhythm HawaiianBallad Sw 085
Pedal Steel, Rhythm HawaiianSwing Sw 110
Pedal Steel, Rhythm HawaiianWaltz Sw 085
Ukulele, Rhythm FolkSwingBallad Sw 085
Ukulele, Rhythm FolkWaltz Sw 085

http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_CALMSEA.m4a [Calm Sea Relaxed Hawaiian Ballad]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_LEIDOWN.m4a [Lei Down Charming Hawaiian Waltz]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_LUAUDAY.m4a [Luau Day Mellow Hawaiian Swing]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_SANDBED.m4a [Sandbed Peaceful Hawaiian Ballad]

RealTracks Set 262: Great Country Drums with Shannon Forrest



http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_DECATUR.m4a [Decatur Bluegrass Country Pop]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_ENGINE7.m4a [Engine 7 Fast Train Beat Country]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_MONSTER.m4a [Monster Even-16 Sync Country Pop]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_PATRIOT.m4a [Patriot Quarter Pulse Ctry Pop]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_REDOAK.m4a [Red Oak Train Beat Fingerstyle]

RealTracks Set 263: Songwriter's Guitar and Cello Toolkit

Cello, Background SlowSwing Sw 065
Cello, Background SlowWaltz Sw 085
Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Songwriter16ths Ev16 075
Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Songwriter16thsHigh Ev16 075
Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Pop16thsJoe Ev16 110
Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Songwriter8thsBrent Ev 085
Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm SongwriterSwingBalladBrent Sw16 065
Guitar, Electric, Background DreamyPopBalladFillsBrent Ev 085
Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryBalladBrentSimple Ev 085
Guitar, Resonator, Background CountryWaltzRandy Sw 110
Guitar, Resonator, Rhythm Folk8thsRandy Ev 085

http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_ACFNK16.m4a [Acoustic Funk Pop 16ths]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_CELLOWZ.m4a [Slow Cello Country Waltz]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_CELLOW2.m4a [Dual Cello Waltz]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_DRMYPOP.m4a [Country Pop w/ Dreamy Fills]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_EZCELLO.m4a [Slow EZ Listening Cello]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_LITEPOP.m4a [Lite Pop w/ Songwriter Guitar]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_ORKSTRA.m4a [Orchestra Cello and Horns]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_PORTAGE.m4a [Portage Simple Solo Country Bal]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_RESFOLK.m4a [Folk Ballad w/ Resonator Guitar]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_RESWALZ.m4a [Resonator Guitar Country Waltz]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_SNGWDUO.m4a [Songwriter Fingerstyle Duo]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_SONGBRD.m4a [Songbird Even Acoustic Pop Duo]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_THOUGHT.m4a [Thoughtful Songerwriter Swing]

RealTracks Set 264: Crooner Bossa Big Band!

Flute, Background CroonerBossa Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
Horn Section, Background CroonerBossa10-Part Ev 110
Sax, Alto, Background CroonerBossaHigh Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
Sax, Alto, Background CroonerBossaLow Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
Sax, Baritone, Background CroonerBossa Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
Sax, Tenor, Background CroonerBossaHigh Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
Sax, Tenor, Background CroonerBossaLow Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
Trumpet, Background CroonerBossaHigh Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
Trumpet, Background CroonerBossaLow Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
Trumpet, Background CroonerBossaMed Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
Trumpet, Background CroonerBossaMuted Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
Trumpet, Muted, Background CroonerBossa Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)

http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_BRASLIA.m4a [Brasilia Bossa w 10-part Horns]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_MELODIA.m4a [Melodia Bossa Crooner w 3 Saxes]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_CERTEZA.m4a [Certeza Horn Sect Bossa w Piano]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_GOLDEN.m4a [Golden Bossa w Trumpet Section]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_FLAUTA.m4a [Flauta Flute n Sax Bossa Crooner]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_SURDINA.m4a [Surdina Muted Trumpet Bossa]

RealTracks Set 265: Crooner Ballad Big Band!

Flugelhorn, Background CroonerBalladHigh Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
Flugelhorn, Background CroonerBalladLow Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
Flugelhorn, Background CroonerBalladMed Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
Flute, Background CroonerBallad Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
Horn Section, Background CroonerBallad11-Part Sw 060
Sax, Alto, Background CroonerBalladHigh Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
Sax, Alto, Background CroonerBalladLow Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
Sax, Baritone, Background CroonerBallad Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
Sax, Tenor, Background CroonerBalladHigh Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
Sax, Tenor, Background CroonerBalladLow Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
Trumpet, Background CroonerBallad Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
Trumpet, Muted, Background CroonerBallad Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)

http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_BLIZARD.m4a [Blizzard 11-horn Crooner Ballad]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_WINTER.m4a [Winter 11-Horn Crooner Ballad]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_AERIAL.m4a [Aerial Flute and Sax Jazz Ballad]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_CAROLER.m4a [Caroler Flugelhorn Jazz Ballad]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_MITTENS.m4a [Mittens Jazz Ballad w 3 Saxes]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_REGAL.m4a [Regal Jazz Ballad w Trumpet Duet]

RealTracks Set 266: Jazz & Funk Potpourri

Banjo, Tenor, Rhythm DixielandRazzmatazz Sw 165
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzBalladCompOlly12-key Sw 085
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzSwingCompOlly12-key Sw 140
Guitar, Electric, Soloist RockabillyJiveBrent Sw 190
Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Tango Ev 100
Sax, Soprano, Soloist JazzWaltzJack Sw 110



http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_ALLTHAT.m4a [All That Razmatazz Dixieland]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_BIZARRE.m4a [Bizarre Bright-Guitar Funk Rock]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_HOTJAVA.m4a [Hot Java Med 12-key Guitar Jazz]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_JIVSOLO.m4a [Rockabilly Jive w/ Soloist]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_JWALSOP.m4a [Jazz Waltz w/ Soprano Sax Solo]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_PICANTE.m4a [Picante Funk Rock w Wah Guitar]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_RESOUND.m4a [Resound 12-key Guitar Jazz Bal]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_SANFRAN.m4a [San Francisco Funk]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_TANGOTR.m4a [Tango Trio w/ Piano]

RealTracks Set 267: More Blues: Blues with Brent and Mike

Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Blues12-8Brent Sw 065
Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesFunkySwBrent Sw16 075
Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesShuffleBrent Sw 130
Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesStraightBrent Ev 085
Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesSw16GrooveBrent Sw16 085
Guitar, Electric, Soloist BluesShuffleBrentSimple Sw 130
Guitar, Electric, Soloist BluesSlow12-8BrentSimple Sw 065
Guitar, Electric, Soloist BluesSlowEvenBrentSimple Ev 085
Organ, Rhythm BluesShuffleMike Sw 130
Organ, Rhythm BluesSlow128Mike Sw 065
Organ, Rhythm BluesSlowSwingMike Sw 085
Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesShuffleMike Sw 130
Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesSlow128Mike Sw 065
Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesSlowSwingMike Sw 085
Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm FunkySwingBluesMike Sw16 075

http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_ANGUISH.m4a [Anguish 12-8 Blues w Simple Solo]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_CARRYON.m4a [Carry On Even Acoustic Blues]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_COURAGE.m4a [Courage Fast Blues Keys Shuffle]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_FEDORA.m4a [Fedora Slow Organ n Piano Blues]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_INDIGO.m4a [Indigo Simple Solo Blues Shuffle]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_PREVAIL.m4a [Prevail Slow Funky Blues w Piano]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_RELIVE.m4a [Relive 12-8 Organ n Piano Blues]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_ROADRUN.m4a [Road Run Funky Acoustic Blues]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_SHAKEUP.m4a [Shakeup Acoustic Blues Shuffle]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_STATELY.m4a [Stately Slow Blues w Simple Solo]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_SUNDAZE.m4a [Sun Daze Acoustic 12-8 Blues]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_UPNOVER.m4a [Up N Over Upbeat Acoustic Blues]

RealTracks Set 268: Gypsy: Accordion, Piano and Guitar

Accordion, Rhythm GypsyJazzCompCory Sw 220
Accordion, Soloist GypsySwingCory Sw 220
Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm GypsyClassicQuinn Sw 220
Guitar, Electric, Soloist GypsyClassicQuinn Sw 220
Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm GypsyJazzJohn Sw 190
Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzClassicJohn Sw 110

http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_CLASPNO.m4a [Classic Jazz Piano Quartet]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_GPSYPNO.m4a [Gypsy Quartet w/ Piano]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_HOTCLUB.m4a [Hot Club Gypsy Jazz w Solo]

RealTracks Set 269: Smooth Soul with Brent and Mike

Guitar, Electric, Rhythm GospelSoul8thsBrent Ev16 110
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RnBSoulSw16Brent Sw16 085
Guitar, Electric, Soloist SmoothSoulFast16thsBrent Ev16 110
Guitar, Electric, Soloist SmoothSoulSlowBrent Ev 085
Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm GospelSoul8thsMike Ev 110
Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RnBSoulSw16Mike Sw16 085
Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SmoothSoulFast16thsMike Ev16 110
Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SmoothSoulSlowMike Ev 085

http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_CHICAGO.m4a [Chicago Light Soul w Guitar Solo]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_CUTLOOS.m4a [Cut Loose Funky Swing-16 Soul]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_DIVINE.m4a [Divine Gospel Soul]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_MOLLIFY.m4a [Mollify Soul Jazz w Guitar Solo]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_RECTIFY.m4a [Rectify Soul with Smooth Piano]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_SOULBAL.m4a [Smooth Soul Ballad with Piano]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_THESWIM.m4a [The Swim Slow Soul Funk w Piano]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_WORSHIP.m4a [Worship Gospel Soul with Piano]

RealTracks Set 270: Modern Pop Waltz, 8ths & 16ths with Zane Carney

Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPop16thsLowZane Ev16 090
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopSwing16HighZane Sw16 075
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Pop8thsZaneHigh Ev 120
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Pop8thsZaneLow Ev 120
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopRockWaltzZaneHigh Sw 120
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopRockWaltzZaneLow Sw 120

http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_FLYAWAY.m4a [Fly Away Modern Even-8 Soul Pop]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_PARKAVE.m4a [Park Ave Modern Soul Pop Waltz]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_STRIVE.m4a [Strive Modern Swing-16 Soul Pop]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_UNCHAIN.m4a [Unchain Modern Even-16 Soul Pop]

RealTracks Set 271: House and More

Bass, Synth, PepSquad Ev 165
Bass, Synth, TropicalHouseA-B Ev 120
Bass, Synth, TropicalHouseOffBeat Ev 120
Bass, Synth, TropicalHouseSync Ev 120
Piano, Electric, Rhythm PepSquad Ev 165
Synth, Rhythm PepSquadHorns Ev 165
Synth, Rhythm PepSquadPad Ev 165
Synth, Rhythm TropicalHouseLeadA-B Ev 120
Synth, Rhythm TropicalHouseLeadOffBeat Ev 120
Synth, Rhythm TropicalHouseLeadSync Ev 120
Synth, Rhythm TropicalHousePiano Ev 120
Synth, Rhythm TropicalHouseSaw Ev 120



http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_LASERS.m4a [Lasers Offbeat Tropical House]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_CHEERON.m4a [Cheer On Fast Pep Squad Pop]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_INIBIZA.m4a [In Ibiza Tropical House A-B]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_VERANO.m4a [Verano Syncopated Tropical House]

RealTracks Set 272: Rap and Hip Hop

Bass, Synth, AltHipHop8ths Ev16 085
Bass, Synth, AltHipHopA-B Ev16 085
Bass, Synth, AltHipHopHeld Ev16 085
Bass, Synth, CloudRapSub Ev16 075
Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm AltHipHop Ev16 085
Synth, Rhythm AltHipHopHorn Ev16 085
Synth, Rhythm AltHipHopPad8ths Ev16 085
Synth, Rhythm AltHipHopPadA-B Ev16 085
Synth, Rhythm AltHipHopPadHeld Ev16 085
Synth, Rhythm CloudRapHighOrgan Ev16 075
Synth, Rhythm CloudRapLowOrgan Ev16 075
Synth, Rhythm CloudRapPercussive Ev16 075



http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_AUSTERE.m4a [Austere Alternative Hip Hop 8ths]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_HOLDBAK.m4a [Hold Back Muted Alt Hip Hop]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_CHIMERA.m4a [Chimera Psychedelic Cloud Rap]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_HONESTY.m4a [Honesty Alternative Hip Hop]

RealTracks Set 273: Hard Rock Shuffle

Bass, Electric, RockNRollBritSwing2Feel Sw 140
Bass, Electric, RockNRollBritSwingA-B Sw 140
Bass, Electric, RockNRollBritSwingQuarters Sw 140
Bass, Electric, RockShuffleHardDoug Sw 120
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockHeavyShuffleChopMurray Sw 120
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockHeavyShuffleCraig Sw 120
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockHeavyShuffleMurray Sw 120
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockHeavyShuffleMurrayA-B Sw 120



http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_BOUNCIN.m4a [Bouncing Swung Country Rock]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_FABTRIO.m4a [Fab Trio Light Brit Pop Boogie]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_GROOVY.m4a [Groovy Classic Brit Rock n Roll]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_LIGHTUP.m4a [Lightup Bright Pop-Country Rock]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_WINDING.m4a [Winding Road Modern Rock]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_500WATT.m4a [500 Watt Heavy Syncopated Rock]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_LOITER.m4a [Loiter Quarter Kick Rock Shuffle]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_RECESS.m4a [Recess Hard Rock Shuffle A-B]

RealTracks Set 274: Hard Rock Straight Ahead

Bass, Electric, RockHeavy8thsDoug Ev 120
Bass, Electric, RockHeavy16thsDoug Ev16 090
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopHardHighMurray Ev16 075
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopHardMurray Ev16 075
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockHeavy8thsCraig Ev 120
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockHeavy8thsMurray Ev 120
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockHeavy16thsCraig Ev16 090
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockHeavy16thsHighMurray Ev16 090
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockHeavy16thsLowMurray Ev16 090
Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockHeavy16thsMurrayA-B Ev16 090



http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_CRUNCHY.m4a [Crunchy Heavy 8ths Rock]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_DELUGE.m4a [Deluge Heavy 16ths Rock]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_ESTUARY.m4a [Estuary Heavy 8ths '90s Rock]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_HEALING.m4a [Healing Heavy 16ths Sync Rock]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_MODROCK.m4a [Modern Atmospheric Rock]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_NAUSEA.m4a [Nausea '90s Pop Rock with Organ]

RealTracks Set 275: Retro 60s Drums



http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_BRITERR.m4a [Classic British Even 8ths Rock n' Roll]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_BRITSRR.m4a [Classic British Swing 8ths Rock n' Roll]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_MOTFAST.m4a [Fast Motown Swing Band]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_MOTN60S.m4a [60s Motown Band w/ Organ]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_RRTWIST.m4a [Rock n' Roll Twist Band]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_SURFEVP.m4a [Even-8ths Surf Pop]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_SURFSWP.m4a [Swing-8ths Surf Pop]

RealTracks Set 276: Pop Percussion



RealTracks Set 277: Pop and Rock Drums with Shannon Forrest



http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_COOKIN.m4a [Cookin' Blues Rock Shuffle]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_DAYSEND.m4a [Day's End Confident Pop Rock]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_FARAWAY.m4a [Far Away Slow Soul Pop w Horns]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_GARAGE.m4a [Slow Even-8 Garage Rock]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_GOGETER.m4a [Go Get 'Er Hustling Jazz Shuffle]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_HICKORY.m4a [Hickory Southern Pop Shuffle]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_LAMENT.m4a [Lament Modern Pop Country Ballad]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_NOCARES.m4a [No Cares Relaxed Modern Pop Rock]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_OURSAKE.m4a [Our Sake Emotional 12-8 Soul Pop]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_TRUSTY.m4a [Trusty Country Blues Shuffle]
http://demos.pgmusic.com/audio/allstyledemos2/_VOLTAGE.m4a [Voltage Electric Blues Rock]

Last edited by Callie - PG Music; 04/21/17 09:31 AM.