
Does anyone have a work-around for implemeting pushes for all tracks including Midi and Real Tracks? The problem I am having is this; the Realtracks do not generate the same pushes as the Midi tracks. I am wondering if there is any way around this? To get the Real Tracks to comply with the Real Drum pushes. Again, I have no problems with Midi tracks but there must be some way to get the Real Tracks to accept a push. By entering let's say in the Key of "C". ^C usually does the trick by giving the chord an eighth push. Anyone trying to do the same or have any success with real Tracks?

Also, while I'm here! I am also attempting to load Band In A Box Midi Tracks into my Korg M3 and have them line up properly. If anyone has any knowleged on this subject. Would be much appreciated.
