Here's a video of EndlessWav, you just type the midi note number in F#4=
66, using Ctrl+Shft set the 2 loop points and EndlessWav will adjust it automatically to loop the end to create a held note. This will save these settings for the BJ Sample Mapper to create the SFZ instrument.
You can also record and fade it to give a natural decayed note for stringed instruments.
Watch No Thanks Continue at the bottom to skip loginEndlessWav writes to the wav file header for BJ Sample Mapper to read:
Soprano Sax 196bars_RT2413_Sax, Soprano, Soloist BossaJack Ev 140_3 render 001.wav
51088 Bytes, ca. 49.89 kBytes - ca. 0.05 MB
Creation Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2017 - 9:53:16 AM Uhr
Modification Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2017 - 3:51:49 PM Uhr
Compression Code: 1
(0=unknown, 1=PCM/uncompressed, >2=compressed, 80=MPEG1)
Channels: 1
Sample-Rate: 48000
avg. Bytes per second: 144000
Block align: 3
Bit Depth: 24
Extra format bytes: 24932
Chunk Length: 00:00:00 (hh:mm:ss)
Chunk Size: 50976 Bytes
(ca. 49.78 kBytes - ca. 0.05 MB)
Chunk Samples: 16992 Samples
MMA Manufacturer code: 0x00000000
Product ID: 0x00000000
Sample Period: 20833
MIDI Unity Note: 66 (f#3)
MIDI Pitch Fraction: 0 cent
SMPTE Format: 0
SMPTE Offset: 00:00:00:00 (hh:mm:ss:ff)
Num Sample Loops: 1
Sampler Data: 0
Loop1 ID:
Loop1 Type: 0
Loop1 Start: 15946
Loop1 End: 16991 = File Length
Loop1 Length: 1046
Loop1 Fraction: 0
Loop1 Play Count: 0
File Length: 16992
First steps:
Open a wave file (CTRL+O). Hold the shift key and draw the start and end markers in the waveform view. If you want a short file, set the end marker near the start marker. If you want to keep the liveness of your instrument and get a big filesize, set the end marker far away from the start marker. Press "S" to auto adjust start and end. Manually adjust the crossfade if needed, remember to check the different crossfade types. SPACE toggles Play/Stop of the looped region. Press CTRL+S to save your file and CTRL+N to load the next file...
You are working with lots of files? Hold Shift+Ctrl and draw the start and end markers in the waveform view. The software will search the best settings in seconds!
You can't get perfect loops? Try out the Loop Mix! Set the crossfade length as big as possible. Then start the loop mix...
If you are working with analog synth sounds and it's difficult to find loop points, try the DC filter (in the tools menu)! It will cut any frequencies below 12 Hz.
Stereo Handling:
If you disable the left waveform view, all search routines work at the right channel first. If you enable the left waveform view, all search routines work at the left channel first.
If you are searching for zero positions or adjusting markers with activated level match, only the currently displayed channels will be used.
Keyboard Shortcuts:
L = Loop On/Off
X = Realtime crossfade On/Off
Z = Snap to zerocross position
D = Snap to level (dB)
Space = Toggle Play/Stop (loop only)
Space+Shift = Toggle Play from Start/Stop
0 (zero) = Stop
E = Auto adjust end
S = Auto adjust start and end
N = Normalize file
O = DC filter / remove dc offset using HP@12Hz
ALT and - or + = Gain change +/- 3dB
CTRL+N = Next file
CTRL+P = Previous file
CTRL+O = Open File
CTRL+S = Save File
CTRL+R = Reload original file (Revert)
CTRL+W = Close File
Shift+C = Enter crossfade value by keyboard
Shift+G = Gain change (Enter value in dB by keyboard)
Enter (Numblock) = Play from start with loop
A/B/C = Select buffer
CTRL and + = Zoom In
CTRL and - = Zoom Out
CTRL+1 to CTRL+7 = Jump to different zoom views
CTRL+M = Loop Mix
CTRL+Z = Undo Loop Mix
T or TAB = Toggle Tools On/Off
Secret functions:
Shift+Click in file list opens a detailed header listing
Shift+Drag in waveform view sets start and end with one move
Shift+Ctrl+Drag in waveform view sets start and end and calls the adjust start and end function
Shift+Alt+Drag in waveform view sets start and end and calls the adjust end function
Alt+Mouse Up will call the adjust end function
Ctrl+Mouse Up will call the adjust start and end function
Del/Entf in file list moves a file to trash
Space in file list will play the selected file, '0' stops playback
Enter in file list will open the selected file
Shift+Enter in file list will show the detailed header listing
F5 in file list will refresh the listing
Auto adjust end [Key command: E]:
Please move the start and end markers to your needs before clicking "Adjust End". The currently selected start will be used to analyze the best end near the currently selected end. Moving the start marker leads to different endpoints. Alt+Mouse Up calls this function.
Auto adjust start+end [Key command: S]:
The same as above, but checks also the start position. You can bypass the function at any time by pressing ESC. It will then show you the best markers found before you pressed ESC. Ctrl+Mouse Up calls this function. This is a really powerful tool - be sure to check out the different search options (dynamic, large, short...)!
Loop Mix [Key command: CTRL+M]:
This functions reduces the loop size by mixing loop sections together and crossfading them in a very special way. It works best with ensemble sounds, layered strings or pads or something like this. Please always use this function together with a large crossfade, because a fade in is needed before (!) the loop start marker. Otherwise you will get clicks at loop start. Try the loop mix, if you can't find good loop-points with the other helpers or if you want to shorten the loop without finding new loop points.
Tools Menu [Key command: T or TAB]:
This menu contains various functions, that you might find useful during your work. All of them work at the currently loaded waveform in memory. To undo tools, you have to reload your file again from disk.
Revert to original [Key command: CTRL+R]:
This function restores your file from disk. But it is also a great tool to check your file after export! Save your file to disk (CTRL+S) and press CTRL+R. Click yes in the following dialog. All fades and crossfades have been destructivly stored in your file and you can continue to work with the resulting file. If you need to apply two or more different crossfades, store and reload a file and apply a new crossfade.
Clipping indicator:
If you see the red clipping indicator, the last operation produced a level higher than -0dB. This introduces distortion and you should undo your last edit. Click the indicator to reset. There is a small soft-clipping algorithm for levels higher than -0dB in most functions to prevent extreme distortions. But it's always a better solution to undo the last operation and to reduce gain before applying the operation again.
This is a function to hide some information in the dither noise of a soundfile. If you change gain or apply filters, etc. the information is often - not always! - lost in the new noisefloor. But it works very well, if this is the final step before exporting the soundfile to your sampler or sample cd.
Support, comments and suggestions:
I hope you like the software. Use it at your own risk!