A RealTracks update is available for Band-in-a-Box

Download the RealTracks update (200 MB)

This patch includes RealTracks and MIDI SuperTracks updates we have made since the release of Band-in-a-Box 2017. The files updated are largely those that were released with Band-in-a-Box 2017, although there are updates to some earlier ones as well.

A number of wave files are updated, so people with the "Audiophile" hard drive version can instead download the larger audiophile patch (800 MB).

Summary of changes (July 19, 2017):

  • Improved: The following RealTracks and MIDI SuperTracks have had the option for a 'Simple' arrangement added. Now these RealTracks will play without embellishment when the Simple option is selected in the RealTracks picker.
    Accordion, Rhythm GypsyJazzCompCory Sw 220
    Accordion, Rhythm GypsyJazzCompCory Sw 220 (MST version)
    Accordion, Soloist GypsySwingCory Sw 220
    Accordion, Soloist GypsySwingCory Sw 220 (MST version)
    Autoharp, Rhythm OldTimeSlowWaltz Sw 085
    Banjo, Tenor, Rhythm DixielandRazzmatazz Sw 165
    Bass, Electric, RockHeavy16thsDoug Ev16 090
    Bass, Electric, RockHeavy8thsDoug Ev 120
    Flugelhorn, Background CroonerBalladHigh Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
    Flugelhorn, Background CroonerBalladLow Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
    Flugelhorn, Background CroonerBalladMed Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
    Flute, Background CroonerBallad Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
    Flute, Background CroonerBossa Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzBalladCompOlly12-key Sw 085
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzSwingCompOlly12-key Sw 140
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RnBSoulSw16Brent Sw16 085
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockHeavy16thsLowMurray Ev16 090
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockHeavy8thsMurray Ev 120
    Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryPopBrent12-key Ev 085
    Guitar, Electric, Soloist SmoothSoulFast16thsBrent Ev16 110
    Guitar, Electric, Soloist TrainBeatBrent12-key Ev16 090
    Guitar, Electric, Soloist, JazzRock8thsJon Ev 120
    Guitar, Nylon, Fingerpicking SlowSwingBrent Sw 065
    Guitar, Nylon, Fingerpicking SwingBrent Sw 110
    Guitarron, MariachiWaltz Ev 150
    Harp, Rhythm Celtic16ths Ev16 075
    Harp, Rhythm CelticJig Sw 110
    Harp, Rhythm CelticWaltz Ev 110
    Harp, Rhythm CelticWaltzSlow Ev 085
    Horn Section, Background CroonerBallad11-Part Sw 060
    Horn Section, Background CroonerBossa10-Part Ev 110
    Organ, Rhythm BluesSlow128Mike Sw 065
    Organ, Rhythm BluesSlow128Mike Sw 065 (MST Version)
    Organ, Rhythm BluesSlowSwingMike Sw 085
    Organ, Rhythm BluesSlowSwingMike Sw 085 (MST Version)
    Pedal Steel, Background TrainBeatEddy12-key Ev16 090
    Pedal Steel, Soloist CountryEddy12-key Ev 085
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesSlow128Mike Sw 065
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesSlowSwingMike Sw 085
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm CountryBluesRockMike Ev 110
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm CountryPopMike12-key Ev 085
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm FunkySwingBluesMike Sw16 075
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm GospelSlowBalladMike Ev 085
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm GospelSoul8thsMike Ev 110
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm GospelSwingMike Sw 140
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RnBSoulSw16Mike Sw16 085
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SmoothSoulFast16thsMike Ev16 110
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SmoothSoulSlowMike Ev 085
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SoulfulPop16thsMike Ev16 065
    Piano, Rhythm TrainBeatMike12-key Ev16 090 (MST version)
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm TrainBeatMike12-key Ev16 090
    Piano, Rhythm BluesSlow128Mike Sw 065 (MST version)
    Piano, Rhythm BluesSlowSwingMike Sw 085 (MST version)
    Piano, Rhythm CountryBluesRockMike Ev 110 (MST version)
    Piano, Rhythm CountryPopMike12-key Ev 085 (MST version)
    Piano, Rhythm FunkySwingBluesMike Sw16 075 (MST version)
    Piano, Rhythm GospelSlowBalladMike Ev 085 (MST version)
    Piano, Rhythm GospelSoul8thsMike Ev 110 (MST version)
    Piano, Rhythm GospelSwingMike Sw 140 (MST version)
    Piano, Rhythm RnBSoulSw16Mike Sw16 085 (MST version)
    Piano, Rhythm SmoothSoulFast16thsMike Ev16 110 (MST version)
    Piano, Rhythm SmoothSoulSlowMike Ev 085 (MST version)
    Piano, Rhythm SoulfulPop16thsMike Ev16 065 (MST version)
    Sax, Alto, Background CroonerBalladHigh Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
    Sax, Alto, Background CroonerBalladLow Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
    Sax, Alto, Background CroonerBossaHigh Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
    Sax, Alto, Background CroonerBossaLow Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
    Sax, Baritone, Background CroonerBallad Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
    Sax, Baritone, Background CroonerBossa Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
    Sax, Tenor, Background CroonerBalladHigh Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
    Sax, Tenor, Background CroonerBalladLow Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
    Sax, Tenor, Background CroonerBossaHigh Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
    Sax, Tenor, Background CroonerBossaLow Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
    Trumpet, Background CroonerBallad Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
    Trumpet, Background CroonerBossaHigh Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
    Trumpet, Background CroonerBossaLow Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
    Trumpet, Background CroonerBossaMed Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
    Trumpet, Muted, Background CroonerBallad Sw 060 (1TrackHornSection)
    Trumpet, Muted, Background CroonerBossa Ev 110 (1TrackHornSection)
    Ukulele, Rhythm FolkSwingBallad Sw 085
    Ukulele, Rhythm FolkWaltz Sw 085
    Vihuela, Rhythm MariachiWaltz Ev 150
    Bass, Electric, PeruFestejo68 Sw 120
    Guitar, Nylon, Fingerpicking PeruFestejo68Melodic Sw 120
    Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm PeruFestejo68 Sw 120
    Bass, Electric, PeruValsCriollo Ev 140
    Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm PeruValsCriollo Ev 140
    Bass, Electric, PuertoRicoAguinaldo Ev16 120
    Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm PuertoRicoAguinaldo Ev16 120
    Cuatro, Rhythm PuertoRicoAguinaldo Ev16 120
    Bass, Electric, AndesHuaynoA-B Ev16 085
    Charango, Rhythm AndesHuayno Ev16 085
    Guitar, Resonator, RhythmPlus BluesFunkyRandy Sw16 075
  • Improved: These RealTracks now have Transcriptions enabled and the Simple option available:
    Bass, Synth, AltHipHop8ths Ev16 085
    Bass, Synth, AltHipHopHeld Ev16 085
    Bass, Synth, PepSquad Ev 165
    Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Songwriter8thsBrent Ev 085
    Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm SongwriterSwingBalladBrent Sw16 065
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BossaCompOlly12-key Ev 110
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm GospelSoul8thsBrent Ev16 110
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzWaltzCompOlly12-key Sw 110
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockHeavy8thsCraig Ev 120
    Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm MariachiWaltz Ev 150
    Organ, Rhythm CountryBluesRockMike Ev 110
    Organ, Rhythm CountryBluesRockMike Ev 110 (MST Version)
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm AltHipHop Ev16 085
    Piano, Electric, Rhythm PepSquad Ev 165
    Synth, Rhythm AltHipHopHorn Ev16 085
    Synth, Rhythm AltHipHopPad8ths Ev16 085
    Synth, Rhythm AltHipHopPadHeld Ev16 085
    Synth, Rhythm PepSquadHorns Ev 165
    Synth, Rhythm PepSquadPad Ev 165
    Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm MariachiWaltz Ev 150
    Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm AndesHuayno Ev16 085
  • Improved: Pianohld.sty has been improved, with better voice leading for the held piano.
  • Added: Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm AndesHuayno Ev16 085 now has complete transcriptions added and can be viewed in the notation or lead sheet window.
  • Fixed: The endings were not working properly in the A substyle for two variations in the RealDrums DrivingPop8ths^.
  • Fixed: The notation subdivision for the RealStyle _ASTRAL.STY was previously incorrect, and has been fixed.
  • Fixed: Some direct input files were missing for the RealTracks style 'Guitar, Electric, Soloist GypsyClassicQuinn Sw 220'.
  • Fixed: Some small memo typos fixed including _RESFOLK* _RESWALZ* _BLUESKY*
  • Fixed: _RAMPART Style Demo mistakenly had the Master Volume turned way up.
  • Fixed: _BHALSA (Waltz) Style was not set to ¾ time, and now uses a more appropriate Bass
  • Fixed: _CASUALE Style mistakenly included MIDI Guitar and Strings tracks.
  • Fixed: Some direct input files were mislabeled for the RealTracks style 'Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NewOrleansMardiGras Ev16 085'.
  • Fixed: Some style mistakenly specified held chords for tracks. E.G. _NOCARES, _SONGBRD, _SOULPOP, _DAYSEND, _CARRYON
  • Fixed: _BLUESKY.STY mistakenly had drums in style.
  • Fixed: NashvilleBrushesEasyBluegrass had the wrong audition demos.
  • Fixed: Guitar, Electric, Soloist JazzRock16thsJon Ev16 090 and RT2605 Guitar, Electric, Soloist JazzRockShuffleJon Sw 130 now have Hi-Q transcriptions. Now when the tablature or notation is viewed it will be more accurate and include bends, slides and other improvements.
  • Fixed: The RealTrack that use Shots and Holds 345 were playing some incorrect chords
  • Fixed: Charango, Rhythm AndesHuayno Ev16 085 was not playing sus chords.
  • Fixed: =JOLEO_B did not allow user volume changes
  • Fixed: RealTracks Audition files for "Roadhouse" Resonator Guitar were mixed up.
  • Fixed: Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm TrainBeatMike12-key Ev 16 090 was playing some slash chords.
  • Fixed: Bass, Electric, RockPickedA-B Ev 165 and RT 2589 Bass, Electric, PunkFuzzPickedA-B Ev 165 had timing issues with some of the riffs.
  • Fixed: Loop file 'Trance - kit3beat135b ev16 tempo' was missing.

PG Music Inc.