Originally Posted By: Mackraken
The actual workflow leads to the situation already explained. Double click will play a random melody which forces to preview the song twice in order to make a decision, once to hear the random melody and a second time once you load it with your current song to actually know how it will sound and eventually having to repeat the process if you are not satisfied, when you should be able to hear your song directly without having to go through the random melody. This is bad enough as it is.

The inspirational point is valid and understandable but not enough to make it more important than the main reason for this window.

Regardless of how well these previews are composed, the end result once you load the style is what matter most, or should at least.


I'm on the fence about this... sort of...

First of all, given all the things I like to do in the StylePicker in order to narrow down my style selections, I know I would spend more time WANTING to hear the PG Music style demos than hearing the styles with my chords, so given the choice of what double-clicking the styles does, I think it is more beneficial for it to behave as it does, if nothing else is to change.

Having said that, I was playing around with loading up the first 4 bars of my song in the StylePicker and auditioning them from within there, and I have to admit that it is kind of fun hearing them like that, when you are willing to wait 4-5 seconds each time to hear the results.

Since I found myself enjoying that and could see the benefit in auditioning styles that way more often, it would indeed be easier if you could double-click the style and get those 4 bars to load each time.

So my simple suggestion for PG Music would be for them to add an key to the double-click to achieve the alternate option. If double-clicking the style remains exactly the same for auditioning the PG Music song demo, then holding down the Control/Command key while double-clicking could achieve the results of immediately loading and playing 4 bars of your song chords in that styles.

Or Alt/Option double-click.

Then we are all happy in all circumstances because it is just as easy to do it either way according to the circumstance.

I wish this was implemented already because it really is kind of fun hearing those 4 bars, and you are right that if you choose to do that a lot it would be better if there were a faster way to get those 4 bars loading.

BIAB 2023 Audiophile, MacPro (Mid-2010) OSX 10.12.6
DAW: Digital Performer 8