Mackraken, you're correct that a Style can sound drastically different playing over the current chord chart than the specific and static chord chart the demo was recorded in. That is an important factor that will influence your decision to choose a specific style that works best for your current track whether it is a cover or an original composition when you are trying to match the Style you hear in your head. I've lost original ideas from being influenced by demo styles as I auditioned through the list searching.

That being said, Biab is primarily marketed as an easy to use accompaniment program. Enter a chord chart, set your tempo and key, select a style, hit play and Biab instantly produces a great sounding backing track.

I can't and don't speak for PGMusic but I think the Stylepicker as it currently works allows Biab to be marketed as above in a truthful manner. Any novice user can open Biab, enter chords, tempo and key; Select a style from a list of professional sounding prerecorded demos and be singing or playing along in minutes. Each year, PGMusic uploads many demonstration videos of the new RealTracks and new features of that current year version of Biab/RB. They always feature 20-30 minute videos previewing soundtracks of the Demos. They don't use nor do I recall them ever featuring or referencing the User Showcase Forum where original compositions made using the Biab program. That's not their focus.

The fact that Biab has so many additional advanced features, learning tools and composition possibilities is just icing on the cake...

BIAB Ultra Pak+ 2024:RB 2024, Latest builds: Dell Optiplex 7040 Desktop; Windows-10-64 bit, Intel Core i7-6700 3.4GHz CPU and 16 GB Ram Memory.