Originally Posted By: Mackraken
The suggestion to add an option to change the behaviour was proposed and seems reasonable. I dont quite understand why would you rather like to hear anything different to pick a style for your song but i guess many people is used to.

I'll give you just one example of many... If I am using the StylePicker to search a particular musician who strums a great sounding acoustic guitar and a search for him produces 40-50 styles, I don't want to try them all with the chords of my song... I want to quickly audition them to find the rhythmic style that is closest to what I was envisioning.

And that goes for most things. If I load up all of my Bossa Nova favorites, for example, my goal is not to first try them all out with the chords of my song. My goal is to first quickly audition each of them to determine which one I imagine is best going to suit what I am looking for. Which style has elements that I really like... maybe great sound drums or a particularly alluring piano sound.

And that's the skill which maybe you need to try to develop... try to translate in your head what a particular style is going to sound like in your song. Of course it might not end up being what you imagine, but most of the time, if you are paying attention to the instruments in the style demo, you can envision what it may sound like in your song--at least enough to rule out the styles that are not worth loading up, and to determine which ones you like best and should try loading first.

Originally Posted By: Mackraken
But this workflow you mention, although legit, makes harder to find a style for people who rather like to know how their songs sounds instead an unrelated one.

The reason being that an awful demo melody could be using a suitable style for your song does not help at all to make a decision.

It's difficult to wrap my mind around the idea that you can't see the benefit of using the song demos to narrow down your choices and save you a tonne of time. The ultimate objective is to make the right decision that best suits the objective in your mind. So the short term objective when you open up the StylePicker is to use the song demos to help you quickly identify the style that you will want to try with your song.

BIAB 2023 Audiophile, MacPro (Mid-2010) OSX 10.12.6
DAW: Digital Performer 8