#14 FAWM Yeah!!! Met My Goal for this year's FAWM. Anymore songs in February are icing on the cake.

Title Spies From the Cold DJE 2/19/18
Verse 1
Facts are stranger than fiction
A deep world under a cloak
Names, places encrypted
On missions agents run fixes

Talking heads decry
On the evening TV
Russian confusion
Political delusions
Grab your hot toddy
Hold on to your seat
Are truths are being told
About spies from the cold

Verse 2
Sinners confess and testify
Those who sold their souls
Treasury money justifies
Evil deeds they behold


Archeology digs find
Dark worlds in gold mines
Governments cover behind
The seemingly benign


Last edited by Belladonna; 02/19/18 02:16 PM.