Update 2.1c beta
Transpose Buttons added

Post action button request here What Hotkeys Do You Use or Need

Choose A Custom Action for the Middle Mouse Button from the droplist at the bottom (these are the Actions in the User Tab), to try this choose CA1-2, now when you select a chord in BB and press the Mouse Wheel or Middle Button down the chord will change from F# to Gb or Gb to F#

Unzip Biab Chord Picker User Buttons.ahk & Biab Chord Picker User Functions.ahk
keep them in the same folder as Biab Chord Picker xxx.ahk
Edit them in notepad or any text editor, just drag in, edit and save.
When you right click Biab Chord Picker.ahk > Compile, it will create Biab Chord Picker.exe with your custom action buttons.

You need to have AutoHotKey installed to Compile to exe

For Later version of BB

Biab Chord Picker Tool Setup Installer

Exe, script and bb.jpg (to use your custom action you will need to Compile the to exe again).

Script and bb.jpg only

For Earlier Biab versions ONLY (if when you right click a chord > Edit, and it's already highlighted then use this version)

Biab Chord Picker Tool Setup Installer

Exe, script and bb.jpg (to use your custom action you will need to Compile the to exe again).

Script and bb.jpg only

If I want to create a custom action for Custom Action 1 Button 1

I edit the name in "Biab Chord Picker User Buttons.ahk": Action Name rename > Unfold
;Custom Actions 1

Gui, Font, S16 CWhite Normal, Arial
Gui, Add, Text, x22 y70 w230 h30 , Custom Actions 1
Gui, Font, S8 CBlack Bold, Arial
Gui, Add, Button, x22 y100 w90 h20 gButtonCA1-1, Action Name

;Custom Actions 1

Gui, Font, S16 CWhite Normal, Arial
Gui, Add, Text, x22 y70 w230 h30 , Custom Actions 1
Gui, Font, S8 CBlack Bold, Arial
Gui, Add, Button, x22 y100 w90 h20 gButtonCA1-1, Unfold

Now I edit the function in Biab Chord Picker User Functions.ahk
winactivate,ahk_class TBandWindow
Send  x
Send  x
Send  x

winactivate,ahk_class TBandWindow
Send  !E
Send  {Down 10}
Send  {Right}
Send  {Down 5}
Send {Enter}

!E = Alt+E brings up the Edit menu.
User can upload and share their custom actions.
If you have trouble let me know what action you need.

Send ^ = Ctrl
Send ! = Alt
Send + = Shift
Send # = Win Key
Press the Alt key the shortcuts will show underscores
Send !E will open Edit menu
Use the keys below to access menu items
Send {Enter} enter key
Send {Left} left cursor
Send {Right}
Send {Up}
Send {Down}
Send {Down 3} down 3
Sleep, 100 will slow the keystrokes