Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
I asked Janice for her thoughts on this production...she got out her phone and wrote this in our shared Apple Notes:

- Killer vocal

- Great dynamics

- Wonderful band and build

- Cool harmonies and effects

- Cinematic imagery

- I want the movie

I decided not to expand on her notes other than “ditto!”


well, heck... could I ask more than that?????


Originally Posted By: Charlie Fogle
One of the top songs on the forum in quite a while. Everything is stellar from beginning to end. I'm getting a bit of Tyminski feel from the production but that only drives itup to a higher level. As you've spoken elsewhere, "In a just world....."

Charlie - What nice things to say! The production is, in fact, influenced by my latest listening obsessions - Southern Gothic being one of the main ones... a number of the "techniques" are used heavily throughout that record. I highly recommend it to everyone - especially those who are looking for "new production ideas"...