96. When I play my external MIDI keyboard, why don't I hear the sound through my selected DXi or VSTi synth?

The answer depends on whether you are using the MME or ASIO audio driver driver type. Check this in Opt. | MIDI/Audio Driver Setup | [Audio Settings].

MME: In the MIDI Driver setup dialog, there is a setting to 'Route MIDI Thru to MIDI Driver'. If this is checked, then the thru part - in other words, what you play on your MIDI keyboard - will always be routed to the MIDI driver rather than the DXi synth. This allows you to avoid the higher latency (delay between when you press a note on your keyboard and when you hear the note play) of software synths, provided you are able to select a low latency MIDI driver (hardware synth, rather than soft synth). If you have this setting unchecked, then the thru part will be routed to the DXi synth during playback.

ASIO: The thru part will always be routed to the DXi synth during playback. If you have the 'ASIO Always On' setting checked in the ASIO Audio Drivers dialog (Opt. | MIDI/Audio Driver Setup | [Audio Settings] | [Audio Drivers]) then the thru part will also be routed to the DXi synth even while playback is stopped. ASIO drivers allow you to get much lower latency with DXi/VSTi soft synths.

A note about earlier versions of Band-in-a-Box®: Band-in-a-Box® 2005 and earlier did not support ASIO audio drivers. Band-in-a-Box® 2006 and earlier did not have the MME setting 'Route MIDI Thru to MIDI Driver'.

Last edited by Alyssa - PG Music; 08/24/18 10:54 AM.

Alyssa - PG Music