106. My volume, reverb, chorus, and pan settings are not saving with my songs.

The Volume (Controller 7), Reverb (Controller 91), Chorus (Controller 93), and Pan (Controller 10) settings saved with your song are sent to your MIDI device when you load the song into Band-in-a-Box®, or when you change the settings while the song is loaded. You set the volume, reverb, chorus, and pan for any part (Bass, Piano, Drums, Guitar, Strings...) in the control panel at the top of the main Band-in-a-Box® screen. For example, to change the volume for the bass part, select the 'Bass' radio button and adjust the volume control.

Check the File | Save Song with Patches & Harmony dialog to make sure the appropriate boxes are checked. (By default, all settings will be saved with the song).

In some cases, your volume settings may not "stick". This is a style specific problem. It can occur with a limited number of styles if Volume Changes are enabled in the Style. In this case, the style is sending a Volume (Controller 7) message when you press Play, which is causing your volume setting to revert to the default volume for the style.

There are two things you can do. The first is to edit the style (Styles | StyleMaker | Edit Current Style), press the [MISC] button, and uncheck "Allow Volume Changes with Style". Note that this is a permanent change to the style. You may want to make a backup of the style before changing it. The second option is to go to Opt. | Preferences | MIDI Options, and uncheck "Style Volume Changes". This may not be desirable because it is a global setting and may have other unintended effects.

Another possible source of confusion may be if you are trying to set the "Master Volume", using Ctrl+Alt+D, or the "Combo" part. This function sets every part to the same volume, so you normally wouldn't use it if you are adjusting the relative volumes of the parts.

If you are experiencing unwanted volume changes, a good way to troubleshoot the problem is to open the MIDI Monitor, filtered to show only controller 7.

Last edited by Alyssa - PG Music; 08/29/18 08:00 AM.

Alyssa - PG Music