185. Are all the styles in the iOS version or is it only that you can work on the songs (with selected style) saved in the Windows desktop folder used by the server? 185. Are all the styles in the iOS version or is it only that you can work on the songs (with selected style) saved in the Windows desktop folder used by the server?

BB iPhone version doesn't generate songs on the iPhone, it connects to your desktop version of BB (2011 or higher) for Windows, within your house (LAN) or from anywhere (Internet - WiFi or 3G). Once connected, it acts as a client, and you can:

  • Generate songs, which transfer to and play on the iPhone.

  • Get any songs that you have in the c:\bb\BB2Go folder. Either get one at a time, or Get all.

  • Send any songs that you make on the iPhone to the BB2Go folder

For example, lets say you have 100 Favorite Songs that you like to play.

  • 1. Put them in the BB2Go Folder.

  • 2. (optional) If you want to pre-generate mp4 audio for them, in desktop Band-in-a-Box®, choose [menu]-Windows-BB2Go and that dialog shows you all the files, and you can press a button to generate mp4 audio for all songs.

  • 3. Make sure that Band-in-a-Box® Server is running. THis will show up as an icon in System Tray with a musical note. (if it isn't running, you can run it from the BB2Go dialog mentioned in #2 above.

  • 4. Run iPhone BB, choose menu-File-Server, and you should see the IP address of the Band-in-a-Box® Server. If you do, then connect to it.

  • 5. If you have any problem connecting or generating songs, it would be because of a firewall or Anti-Virus program blocking communication. If so, create an exception in the firewall or AV program, and the problem should be solved. Usuelly you need to reboot the Band-in-a-Box® Server.exe, or the iphone or possibly reboot Windows after you've done that.

  • 6. Once connected, on the iPhone you could choose File-Server-Get Songs- Get All Songs.

This will get your 100 favorite songs, and if you have pre-generated the audio (as in #2), then they are ready to play, and sound identical to how they sound on the BB Desktop, with all of your MIDI and RealTracks sounds.

Also, once connected, you can generate any song in any style, much like you do using the desktop version.

This example above assumes you are using a LAN connection within your house. For wider connection using Internet, see details on www.pgmusic.com/help100.

Last edited by Alyssa - PG Music; 09/25/18 08:09 AM.

Alyssa - PG Music