35. How can I easily raise or lower the velocity (volume) of all MIDI notes in a track?
To raise or lower the velocities of notes, you can use the Edit | Change Velocities command. This command lists you increase or decrease the velocity values of notes within the marked area of all selected tracks by a specified percentage. The Percentage setting determines how the velocity values are changed. For example, a percentage of 100% results in no change. A percentage of 50 would reduce the velocity values by half. A percentage of 125 would increase the velocity values in the track by 25%.
Another way you can change the velocities of notes is by using the Edit | Velocity Dynamics command. This command will 'compress' or 'expand' the velocity values of notes within the marked area of all selected tracks. PowerTracks will determine the average velocity of all notes with the marked area. The Percentage setting will cause the velocity values to be moved either closer or farther away from the average velocity. A percentage of 100% results in no change. A percentage of 50% would compress the velocity values so that they are all 50% closer to the average velocity.
In either of these cases, you can use the Data Filter to determine exactly which notes to affect.
You could also use Edit | Replace | Note to change velocities. For example, if you want to make all of the notes the same volume, you could use this command. Set the search value to 0-127, and the replacement value to a single number (for example 127-127 for maximum velocity).