52. What files are used with the Drum grid editor? What is the difference between .DP and.DG files?

You can load drum patterns into any song you create by using Edit | Fill Track with Drum Pattern. Notice that the drum patterns in the 'Drums' folder that come with PowerTracks are of two types: *.dp, and *.dg files. *.dp files are just small MIDI files, with the .mid file extension changed to .dp, whereas the *.dg files are made using the Drum Grid Editor (Action | Drum Grid Editor...). One advantage to using the Drum Grid Editor to make a drum pattern, is that you can 'randomize' some of the drum sounds so that the drum track sounds more realistic. Unfortunately, you cannot automatically convert *.dp to *.dg files; the .dg files must be made using the Drum Grid Editor. You can edit existing .dg files, or create new ones. See the PowerTracks Pro Audio Help Files for detailed information on how to use the Drum Grid Editor.

Alyssa - PG Music