26. Why do I get an MCI error when I launch the application or when I try to open a song?

Applies to: Video Guitar Lessons (Essential Rock Guitar Volumes 1 & 2, Essential Blues Guitar Volumes 1 &2, and Essential Jazz Guitar Volumes 1, 2, & 3), MasterClass series, and Multimedia Performance programs.

The error message is usually similar to: "Problem initializing MCI at (address)".

Other symptoms: With the Video Guitar Lessons, you may find that the video screen remains blank when you play a song.

You can usually resolve this problem by downloading and installing/reinstalling the latest version of DirectX available from Microsoft. If you need to install DirectX on a non-internet computer, see FAQ 43.

If you are running the program on Windows 2000 and downloading the latest version of DirectX didn't resolve the problem, follow the suggestion in FAQ 39.

Alyssa - PG Music