Originally Posted By: 2bSolo
Thanks, Rockstar. I am going to download the free Jamstix and play with it a bit. But, I have a feeling that I am going to go the same route you did in the end.


For me, Jamstix was a stepping stone on the road to better drums.

I started by mousing the notes into a midi sequencer. Worked but it was too mechanical and stiff. Not realistic.

Jamstix was AI so it created it's own track automatically by following the audio. However, editing and really tweeking it was a learning curve of it's own. And I only got a few rungs up the ladder compared to some of the folks using it. But it was a more realistic drummer, and it was automatic.

Real Tracks made it even easier and they sounded more realistic since they are in fact a real drummer under it all. Down side to the RT's is they are all essentially in one track so if you want to bring put the snare or the kick for example, you are limited to doing it via EQ and selective compression. It would be nice to have the drum RT's available in multi-track mode. I have used midi and Jamstix at times to fill in the creative gaps left by RT's.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.