
You have hit the nail on the head and that is exactly what I am talking about.

In the publication hack I was talking about, no one could have known the email with the bad link in it was fake. It was a perfect forgery. But one click shut down a major organization. Bam.

I get emails all the time from major companies that look exactly like they came from the known company except I find ONE misspelling that tips me off--like a British spelling I know what not have been made by an American company.

It is scary.

I basically don't click on anything in emails anymore. I even ask my wife if she sent me something before I click.

It is scary and malicious and growing trickier even day. It's not just me. My friends are tech writers for media giants. They talk about it all the time.

So, I am down to basically clicking on nothing. Very sad, but it can ruin your life.