Originally Posted By: David Snyder


You are truly a man after my own OCD heart.

In every way.



But I confess, not in every way.

Only in the things that seem important to me. smile

Data is important to me because it is impossible to replace.


I used the life boat/life jacket analogy because I used to own a sailboat, and I also worked on cruise ships for 3 years.

If the boat/ship you were on was in distress, you can't stand on the front lawn and watch your ship disappear.

So when anyone boarded my sailboat I showed them where the life vests were stowed and made sure they knew how to use them.

When working on the cruise ship, I located where the life boats and rafts were. Every crew member did. But I took it upon myself to learn where the extra life rafts were and how to launch them.

It's a matter of life and death.


On the gig I bring all my self-produced backing tracks on a computer. I have a second computer booted and ready with duplicate tracks on it at all times. If something happens to the first computer, all I have to do is switch the USB to Audio Interface to the spare computer and the show goes on. I've had to do this twice since 2002, and the customers never knew anything was wrong.

My wind synth can cover any parts if my sax, flute, or guitar breaks on the gig, so I bring two wind controllers and duplicate sound modules. I've never had to use the spares, but if I do, it will save the gig.


I'm even more careful with the data my customers give me.

When you buy something from Norton Music, there is no option to save your credit card info for future use. Why? If it isn't saved in my shopping cart, there is no way someone will be able to hack it.

I don't download credit card numbers to my office computer, and I store my customers names, addresses, and e-mail on an encrypted, external drive. It's only connected to the computer when I need it. If it isn't on-line, it can't be hacked.

Even if someone breaks into the office and steals the external drive, they will have to guess a very, very, very long password key to get a physical and e-mail address and know which encryption software I use.

I just feel that's my responsibility. If one of my customers gets hacked, it won't be because of me.


But for things that don't matter I am pretty relaxed about them.

Hopefully I have the wisdom to know the difference between what is necessary and what is not wink

I think as far as my data is concerned, I have that covered.

Insights and incites by Notes.

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks