I made two versions of my new song called 'We Are'. I made it this weeks.
And I put the links of both to SoundCloud in this post.
https://soundcloud.com/user-296497130/we-are-metalhttps://soundcloud.com/user-296497130/we-are-funkBut I must warn you, it's not for the faint of heart. I haven't heard Metalsongs on this forum before, so therefore I use this title.
And I als have to make a confession: I never thought I would make a Metal-song. I don't realy like it. But BB has these styles included so I had to try them.
Both versions use the style Mighty, but with complete different instruments. The tempo is 95.
I was inspired by an article about the release of a single from a group called Rammstein; Deutchland
Although I don't like that music, it did something to me.
And so I made these two version of a song concerning the Dutch, but with a big wink.
It is in no way my intention to make some sort of Nationalistic song! That's why included topics in the lyrics to prefent Nationalists to use this song.
The metalversion nearly costed me my voice, but to my surprise people who listened to it, liked it!
I also included some Dutch sentences in the song. I like trying new things and this was one of them.
Let me hear what you think.
If I hear a great silence from you all, I have an answer.
The lyrics:
(They diver a littlebit in the two versions)
We Are
(c) HWBerkhout, april 2019
From out of nowhere we came and stayed
We had the best boats that were ever made
We created windmills that grind so swell
And wooden shoes that fit all well
Chorus 1
Come meet the Dutch
You'll love us
God made the world
We did our own
Chorus 2
Our place is small
But we need no wall
We are the kind
You never find
Chorus 3
We are the Dutch
But don't [*****] with us
We make our world
Were we belong
Nederland ligt onder water
We kunnen allemaal goed zwemmen
Dat is iets voor later...
(The Netherlands lay below sealevel,
but we can all swim well.
That's something for later...)
We invented the microscope,
Discovered much land.
South Africa, Indonesia and even New York were in our hand
We have the dykes to keep dry feet
We sell our paitings to those who need
Now we have HipHop and partydrugs
We dance on beat while smoke our weed
We blow our mind, to stay at ease
And don't forget, we have our cheese
We don't wanna spend much money on armour
We give away our flowers to the pope each Easter
And we travel so much!
Ch 1
We hebben mooie steden, die zijn echt 'in'
Ook een koning en Argentijnse koningin
Ooit was de koning Napoleon's broer
Nu is het een 'echte' Hollandse boer
(We have nice cities, that are so populair.
ALso a king, and an Argentinian queen
Once our king was Napoleons' brother,
Now we have a 'real' Dutch farmer)
Ch 1
Ch 3
We are the Dutch
But we talk so much
Yes, we talk too much