Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
I dig the message here!! Just retired myself about 2 weeks ago, and now I'm ready to enjoy myself after getting the upper hand on the virus from hell. This is a sweet listen.....nice melody, lyric, vocal, mix, guitar of course!, and a message I can get into. I wrote a song called The Right Lane of Life years ago with the same idea. Really enjoyed this one guys!! Take care. Greg

Greg thanks, enjoy your new found freedom - looking forward to some new songs!


Originally Posted By: Crossroads
Hi Peter & Leon,

very nice. Love the lyrics and will try to take them to heart !

Peter, great playing (like always...)

Enjoyed the listen a lot.


Appreciate the review Stefan.


Originally Posted By: Birchwood
On Soundcloud I wrote a quote of your lyrics: Might not be an ending, maybe it’s a start
I think that's what we all hope for. That's why it's so nice to make your music. That is allways your start, but also your nicest legacy.
At least that's what I believe.
It's a nice song, Peter and Leon


Thanks Hans.
