I think one point to be made here is all of these sound libraries regardless of where they are from are only the beginning. Just a starting point. Where it becomes fun is when you start playing with effects ESPECIALLY with guitars! Amp simulators, tape saturation, EQ, distortion, tons of stuff. Big Fish gave you some. You already have Amplitube included with Biab for free. Check it out. You have to pick a guitar that you may not like right away but then run it through all this stuff and you'll be blown away by the change in sound.

Do you understand what DI means, Nigel? It means Direct Input where a guitar is recorded directly from the guitar itself, no amp, no effects, no nothing. Most libraries will have both. Guitars with effects and DI guitars. DI sounds like crap initially. BUT it allows you the producer to make it into whatever you want because you will have set up an effects rack in your DAW or Biab.

Another trick I used in a guitar centric tune I worked on for my sister. It's Still Loving You by the Scorpions. Pretty much all guitar and I was working with a midi file. I would double up the guitars on some passages meaning copy the original guitar track to a new track, change the midi channel and assign a different guitar patch to it. Now you have two different guitars playing the same thing each with their own effects and you can mix both tracks however you want to get the sound you want. This was all done in Real Band using Sample Tank 3, the Forte Dxi and even one part from the lowly Coyote Wavetable plus the PG Effects which look basic, not flashy but sound pretty good.

This kind of thing goes on on records all the time. You're trying to duplicate a guitar sound when in the studio the engineer did the exact same thing, duped the guitar, maybe delayed one track just a touch and put different effects on both and here you are trying to get that sound by yourself.

You have to be prepared to experiment, be creative and have fun with it.


Biab/RB latest build, Win 11 Pro, Ryzen 5 5600 G, 512 Gig SSD, 16 Gigs Ram, Steinberg UR22 MkII, Roland Sonic Cell, Kurzweil PC3, Hammond SK1, Korg PA3XPro, Garritan JABB, Hypercanvas, Sampletank 3, more.