Originally Posted By: edshaw
How did this one slip by me? I'm blown away. It is strong in so many areas. Janice's contribution reaches a new height, IMHO. Congratulations on this one!

Thanks Ed.


Originally Posted By: Al-David
Well, I was writing a comment and then ...boom ... the whole page just disappeared! I'll bet there's a lot of junk out there floating around in cyberspace!

The intro immediately put a big smile on my face! Love the two semi-tone modulation! Peter is knocking it out of the park on this one ... love his fretwork! Great pickin', Peter!!!

And that key modulation at 2:30! Key modulations almost always breathe a new life into a song. And holy cow ... that Janice can sing just dang near anything and do it so well! All those b/g vocals and the lead vocal blend so smoothly ... great knob-twisting, Bud! And what a great lyric, too! And as I previously mentioned ... Peter shines like the sun on a hot summer day.

That was awesome, folks! Foot's still tapping and I can;t make it quit. Loved it!


Thanks Al. We always appreciate your insight, comments and support!


Originally Posted By: dani48
Hi, Bud, Janice and Peter !

This is absolutely marvelous !
I am in awe, did,nt think it
possible to surpass yourself but
this is.....well fantastic
and so catchy too !

Simply said a masterpiece
in every aspect !

My best congrats for
this superb co-op !


Thanks Dani. Good to see back at the forum!


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