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Hate consumes from the inside. Love is the only thing that frees a person. If you want to be at peace and happy. Love your enemies.

Last edited by Belladonna; 04/14/20 03:11 PM.
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Hi Bob
Your answer is deflecting from the figures I gave .I gave the accurate figures and you wont comment on them because they are so straight forward and simple to evaluate.

Look at the figures only. This a Canadian forum if anything.
I wanted my government to close borders but they didnt and I wanted the EU to close borders but they wouldnt because they were married to an open borders philosophy and wounldnt admit that was a complete disaster when it came to Coroan virus.
The biggest asset you have in a pandemic is your borders and the USA closed them on the 31st jan before they had a single death and they were ripped apart by the EU for doing it .
Look at the figures out of the EU 70,000 plus dead compares to the USA s 25,000 even when you adjust the 120 million extra in population of the EU ,the EU figures are a disaster zone .
You wont answer the figures and that makes your reply biased ,everybody has a bias ,everybody but the fact that you didnt try to overcome your bias is the issue,
They always said when the USA sneezes the rest of the world gets a cold but I think we can now say when China sneezes....H

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I don't hear the left yelling for open borders now or even santuary cities. All hiding in their closets. Amazing how things change once their personal lives are on the line.

Last edited by Belladonna; 04/14/20 03:59 PM.
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My goodness, gone for a bit and this has turned weird. I just hope nobody here gets it. I don't care who thinks Trump is a deranged moron or who thinks he's a stable genius. It's a scary time. If we don't get testing and safety measures in place so people aren't afraid to go back to work - it's not gonna matter who "opens" up the country. More people have died than live in some small towns I've lived in. Somebody loved each of them, they had families, hopes and dreams, they're not just numbers, each one had a name and a life story.

I'm thinking nobody in our lifetime has dealt with anything like this. Our way of life is gone. We don't know how, when or if it'll ever be the same. Maybe we're all going through the stages of grief. While some of us are still in denial, others of us are in anger, some of us are bargaining, some of us are depressed and I don't think any of us has truly accepted it yet. It's hard to get your head around.

Trump is so divisive about the only thing the pro Trump and no more Trump can agree on is we disagree. I don't hold any hope for either side winning new converts here. Sad as either side may see that.... So please y'all let's be kind to one another. We've all been friends too long around here and we need each other now more than ever.

BTW, Bobflatpicker I went to your SC and listened to some mighty fine bluegrass the other night. It had been a long time and I had forgotten just how good that picking and grinning sounds.

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Hi Josie,

Thank you so much for shining a bright light on what is really important! The bottom line is that, right now, it's all about people's lives.

You've put it so well!

Thank you smile


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"Bobflatpicker I went to your SC and listened to some mighty fine bluegrass the other night. It had been a long time and I had forgotten just how good that picking and grinning sounds."


I'm glad you enjoyed the show. The other members of that trio were Jay & Debbie Blankenship. They are two very old and dear friends. We stopped playing together after I moved out of the area and took a job that required almost constant travel making it almost impossible to have time for playing music.

I miss them and their children a lot.

The host of that show was also an old friend and a fine fiddler named Joe Dobbs. He passed away a few years ago.

Good times gone by.

Last edited by bobcflatpicker; 04/14/20 10:02 PM. Reason: corrected spelling
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"Trump's name will be added to stimulus checks"

I'm not sure if it will say Trump or the big orange nitwit, but hey it's a check!

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Bob make sure you don't accept the check, just return it.

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Originally Posted By: Belladonna
Bob make sure you don't accept the check, just return it.

I suppose you'll be sending yours back because "socialism"!

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Imagine your neighborhood is burning. Your house is on fire. Your family and friends' houses are on fire. Lots of folks you don't know, their houses are on fire too.

A large fire company sends pumper trucks to various places in the neighborhood. They are actively pouring water on the fire. They're not the only one but they are making significant contributions to controlling the fire.

But the mayor of said neighborhood believes that the fire company might have withheld info on the fire or otherwise mismanaged the handling of it. And he may be right! Yet their current fire fighting efforts are significant in helping put out the fire and preventing further spread.

So, instead of waiting until the fire that is ravaging the neighborhood is under control, the mayor orders the water, being used by that fire company to put out the fires, be immediately TURNED OFF!

We could all agree, regardless of politics, that that is dangerously stupid, right?

Last edited by JohnJohnJohn; 04/15/20 05:26 AM.
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Hey, I love President Trump. I'll probably frame the check.

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Originally Posted By: Belladonna
Hey, I love President Trump. I'll probably frame the check.

Enjoy that. He'll be nothing but a dark stain on our history by January.

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Originally Posted By: JohnJohnJohn
Imagine your neighborhood is burning. Your house is on fire. Your family and friends' houses are on fire. Lots of folks you don't know, their houses are on fire too.

A large fire company sends pumper trucks to various places in the neighborhood. They are actively pouring water on the fire. They're not the only one but they are making significant contributions to controlling the fire.

But the mayor of said neighborhood believes that the fire company might have withheld info on the fire or otherwise mismanaged the handling of it. And he may be right! Yet their current fire fighting efforts are significant in helping put out the fire and preventing further spread.

So, instead of waiting until the fire that is ravaging the neighborhood is under control, the mayor orders the water, being used by that fire company to put out the fires, be immediately TURNED OFF!

We could all agree, regardless of politics, that that is dangerously stupid, right?

I was in agreement with you up to the sentence; "They are actively pouring water on the fire. They're not the only one but they are making significant contributions to controlling the fire." as to your story correlating to the WHO's current issue with President Trump in your link where WHO corresponds to being the fire department and Trump the mayor. The WHO (fire department) has not had a significant presence nor significant impact in the US coronavirus response. You may have better luck than I did in a Google search where I used the query "what significant help has WHO given the US during the pandemic" which didn't return a single story highlighting or featuring the WHO leading the US response.

A more accurate analogy of WHO's (fire department) role in the neighborhood fire is they monitored the fire but didn't pour water on the fire. Rather, they provided incorrect, insufficient, misleading and false information about the fire's intensity, severity and locations that caused the other fire departments fighting the fire to delay, misdirect resources and otherwise significantly miss getting ahead with their initial response.

Although WHO did not provide significant help in controlling the neighborhood fire, and the fire is still raging, WHO demands their normal share of the neighborhoods water supply they have contracted with the neighborhood in a Mutual Aid Agreement. The mayor can't cancel or negate the water payment to this fire department but he's certainly within his rights and has a duty to his neighborhood to delay the water payment and also review that fire departments conduct.

Also, regarding your imaginary fire department, WHO's duties and funding is not similar to your analogy. WHO's funding is separated into two types, assessment and voluntary. Assessment funding covers operating type expenses primarily and WHO has discretionary control. Voluntary funds are mostly bestowed and designated to how it's spent. The mayor (Trump) has no say in a lot of those funds.

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Originally Posted By: Charlie Fogle
Originally Posted By: JohnJohnJohn
Imagine your neighborhood is burning. Your house is on fire. Your family and friends' houses are on fire. Lots of folks you don't know, their houses are on fire too.

A large fire company sends pumper trucks to various places in the neighborhood. They are actively pouring water on the fire. They're not the only one but they are making significant contributions to controlling the fire.

But the mayor of said neighborhood believes that the fire company might have withheld info on the fire or otherwise mismanaged the handling of it. And he may be right! Yet their current fire fighting efforts are significant in helping put out the fire and preventing further spread.

So, instead of waiting until the fire that is ravaging the neighborhood is under control, the mayor orders the water, being used by that fire company to put out the fires, be immediately TURNED OFF!

We could all agree, regardless of politics, that that is dangerously stupid, right?

I was in agreement with you up to the sentence; "They are actively pouring water on the fire. They're not the only one but they are making significant contributions to controlling the fire." as to your story correlating to the WHO's current issue with President Trump in your link where WHO corresponds to being the fire department and Trump the mayor. The WHO (fire department) has not had a significant presence nor significant impact in the US coronavirus response. You may have better luck than I did in a Google search where I used the query "what significant help has WHO given the US during the pandemic" which didn't return a single story highlighting or featuring the WHO leading the US response.

A more accurate analogy of WHO's (fire department) role in the neighborhood fire is they monitored the fire but didn't pour water on the fire. Rather, they provided incorrect, insufficient, misleading and false information about the fire's intensity, severity and locations that caused the other fire departments fighting the fire to delay, misdirect resources and otherwise significantly miss getting ahead with their initial response.

Although WHO did not provide significant help in controlling the neighborhood fire, and the fire is still raging, WHO demands their normal share of the neighborhoods water supply they have contracted with the neighborhood in a Mutual Aid Agreement. The mayor can't cancel or negate the water payment to this fire department but he's certainly within his rights and has a duty to his neighborhood to delay the water payment and also review that fire departments conduct.

Also, regarding your imaginary fire department, WHO's duties and funding is not similar to your analogy. WHO's funding is separated into two types, assessment and voluntary. Assessment funding covers operating type expenses primarily and WHO has discretionary control. Voluntary funds are mostly bestowed and designated to how it's spent. The mayor (Trump) has no say in a lot of those funds.

Well, you are just wrong in your reframing of my analogy. trump knew long before he acted so the vast majority of American deaths are on him. Maybe he can get his signature added to their death certificates?

And you are short-sighted as to how the WHO helps America. Because a deadly virus just can't be taught to Make America Great Again, it kills indiscriminately! So a deadly virus that spreads throughout Africa or Asia will certainly find its way to our shores. If you doubt that see COVID-19! So the work WHO does around the world always helps us here.

Finally, people a damn sight more intelligent than you or I, from both sides of the political spectrum and around the world are condemning this stupid move by trump. trump is desperately seeking someone to blame to distract from his own culpability.

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Joe Biden is a likeable guy and he has a chance of winning in November but the incombent usually has a better chance of holding no matter who they are.One of his downsides is that he cant be a "change" candidate and another is that he has a record to defend that has a few ups and downs in it.If the question comes down to Joe or Donald on the Economy their is only one winner there so it really depends for Biden on what will the issues be at the time.If they are non economic issues he has a chance.The last election was very interesting because of the huge difference in political philosphy .Hillary and the democrats wanted "open borders" and Donald and Republicans not only didnt want open borders he wanted to "build a wall" on the border.
Why "open or closed borders" was such an important issue and remains so is because if you have open borders everywhere you have global governance and if you have closed borders you have independant country governance(America First).The question really is do you want to go down that road or not?Democracy could not work at global level and so it would be something else socialism or communism or some kind of mixture and with some kind of voting but not meaningful in anyway.M
My own view is that country state. borders and democracy have served the world well because it stops bad things going from one place to the next quickly whether that be a virus like we have now or a bad political idea or a bad social idea.It also keeps politics local or close to local and if you dont like whats going on kick them out at the next vote.
The real beauty of the American System of Government is that it was designed delibrately by its founders not to work fluently ( which is genius) and no one can get the upper hand for a long period of time whether you are GOP or Democrat.
Thats my thoughts on it

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Originally Posted By: Hugh2
he has a record to defend that has a few ups and downs

Now that is the understatement of the decade! Impeached. Lost the popular vote by 3,000,000. Proven to have benefited from Russian interference. And on and on. Hands down worst president ever.

Joe or Donald on the Economy their is only one winner there

Well, since the economy Obama created over 8 years was then trashed by trump due to his pandemic response, Biden should have that edge!

Hillary and the democrats wanted "open borders" and Donald and Republicans not only didnt want open borders he wanted to "build a wall" on the border.

Democrats don't want open borders. And trump never built a wall. Oh and...AIRPLANES!

Last edited by JohnJohnJohn; 04/15/20 10:36 AM.
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Originally Posted By: Noel96
I know it's a time of angst for all right now but let's not lose sight of the fact that this is a global music forum and not a USA-specific platform for raucous politics.

Sorry again sir....


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I'm curious, who here has changed their mind from all of this "non political" talk?

I know of one person, I believe it was in this thread, that changed his mind on something specific and humbly admitted it. It wasn't as a result of this thread though. It was based on information he found.

So who has?

What good is coming from this?

How is this serving this forum?

I'm sincerely asking. smile

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

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I have contacted the moderator to public inform those of us posting American politics on this forum to stop. If it keeps up I feel there is a war coming here and some people's feelings will get hurt. Hopefully they will post a warning, we will stop, and then it will get back to a friendly group again.

If not I am locked and loaded.

Inflation is so bad that CEOs are now playing miniature golf!

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Originally Posted By: MarioD
I have contacted the moderator to public inform those of us posting American politics on this forum to stop. If it keeps up I feel there is a war coming here and some people's feelings will get hurt. Hopefully they will post a warning, we will stop, and then it will get back to a friendly group again.

If not I am locked and loaded.

Agreed! Thanks Mario.

We are guests here.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.
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