A new one from me ... hope you enjoy! Thanks, as always, for taking the time to listen and for any comments!!! :-)
https://soundcloud.com/jamesdelsono/thy-will-be-doneTHY WILL BE DONE
Thy Will Be Done.
Over land and over sea
Thy Will Be Done.
In the depths of all our beings,
Thy Kingdom come.
For untold eternity,
On Earth, as it is in Heaven,
May Your Name hallowed be ...
Thy Will Be Done.
For no matter how unwieldly be our troubles in this world
Thou, who art in Heaven,
Have the power to bring joy and inner peace to our souls,
Thy Kingdom come.
And no matter how we stumble when upon the path we walk
Let us not fall
In temptation when the sun is ever setting and the world becomes so dark,
But save our soul.
Our bread, the one we need to fill with our souls, every day,
Give us today,
And please teach us how to forgive those who've trespassed against us,
This is my prayer.
Our Father, Thou whose Kingdom is the one for which we pray,
In the Name of Your Son,
Please watch over your Creation as we lift our voice and say:
Thy Will Be Done.
Thy Kingdom come ... on Earth as in Heaven ... Thy Will - Be - Done.
****** Song Summary *************
Title: Thy Will Be Done - 13 November 2020
File:Thy Will Be Done - 13 November 2020.SGU
Key=A , Tempo 100, Length (m:s)=3:31
No intro. 84 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 84. Repeat x1 chorus
No Melody
Soloist track has 178 notes, Soloist harmony is < no harmony >(0)
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Song is saved with bar changes for Key Signature,Volume Changes,
Style is _FAITH.STY (Faith Fast 12-8 Gospel with Loop)
RealTracks in style: 386:Bass, Electric, Blues Chuck Sw 102
RealTracks in style: 2361:Piano, ElectricVintage, Rhythm MotownSlowBluesy12-8John Sw 085
RealTracks in style: 2427:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockabillySlowSwingBrent Sw 085
RealTracks in style: 3064:Vocal Oohs, Rhythm Pop3-part Ev 085
Loop in Song: Loops PAK 2\Gospel\Drums, Acoustic, GospelFast12-8A-B Sw 100.wav
Voice recording and mixing done in Audacity