contains 2 editing versions for 128 kbps download
(please do download, I will have to delete this when I have no more room for the final version) of
EatMe - To That Song featuring "Rene" from Band-in-a-Box 2020 Pro on bass and more...
Music by EatMe made and mastered in Renoise 3.2.4 registered
instrumentals from Band-in-a-Box 2020 Pro:
* 2938:Bass, Fretless Electric Slow 12-8Rene Sw 065 (140 BPM) (volume cut)
* 3239:Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm RumbaFlamencaBallad Ev16 090 (140 BPM)
* 2860:Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm Mariachi68 Sw 110 (140 BPM)
* 918:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm ChaCha Ev 110 (140 BPM)
* (filtered to sidesticks) RealDrums=Rumba^5-a,b:Sidestick, Hihat (140 BPM)
* (filtered to sidesticks) RealDrums=RumbaFlamencaBallad^1-a:Rim, b:Hat (140 BPM)
* Realdrums=RockHardLA^1-a:Snare, Hihat , b:Snare, Loose HiHat (140 BPM)
* RealDrums=RockHardLA^6-a:Snare, Loose HiHat, b:Snare, Bell Ride [Half-Tempo] (140 BPM)
* RealDrums=RockHardLA^1-a:Snare, HiHat, b:Snare, Loose HiHat [Half-Tempo] (140 BPM)
* RealDrums=BossaRockPerc^9-a:Percussion , b:Ride (140 BPM)
* RealDrums=SambaBrazilFastAlex^3-a:Ago, b:Ride [Double-Time] (140 BPM)
instrumental tracks entered for:
Sylenth1 (from init)
Sylenth1 (from init)
Xpand!2 (+46 Warm+Belly)
Xpand!2 (+30 Octastra)
Xpand!2 (27 Alexander)
AAS LoungeLizard Session 4 EP
sample xylophone+piano (filtered to mid)
sample kick drum
samples rc-808 clap
external effect plugins:
TokyoDawn Kotelnikov GE
BeyerDynamic Virtual Studio (preset 4:Big Venue)