Originally Posted By: VideoTrack
I agree that the anomaly of the notation reference should be resolved, especially seeing that even the internal settings of the program contradict themselves (Clef Split Point vs Notation identification).


Hi Videotrack,

I hope you don't mind my adding my couple of penny's worth of comments to this...

The reason C4 (an octave below middle C) is set as the split point usually is because melody notes below middle C will be written as ledger lines on the treble clef rather than as notes in the bass clef.

If you set the split point to C5, then melody notes lower than middle C (C5) will be written on the bass clef.

(That's my experience and understanding, at least.)

All the best,

Attached Files (Click to download or enlarge) (Only available when you are logged in)
ledger lines.JPG (26.87 KB, 198 downloads)

Audiophile BIAB 2024