the most important thing common to all is that middle c is note 60 and then multiples of 12 will take one up/down octaves

Hi Noel. Thanks for the info on the software companies that are getting it wrong. Although I spent more time making money as a programmer than making money as a musician I disagree with your statement above. Yes the midi numbers are correct and that is fine because it has to be this way. I agree with everything in the table and it matches your statement above (all midi numbers for the C note divide evenly by 12 in the table). But getting the middle C scientific notation number correct is more important because none programming musicians will tend to be unhappy with that fact that software people can't even get that scientific notation number correct. The best evidence of this attitude I see is that I have a lot of trouble getting none programming musicians to use a computer form at my jam club. Most members are IT people like me. Again, smart software people know computers should not confuse the client and not getting the scientific notation octave number correct will clearly confuse them. The way I see it PG-Music should put this in as an option and the more I think about it the more I come to realize they should make Middle C default to C4. I also am beginning to realize PG-Music should fix this A.S.A.P. This error will tend to turn off vocalists and anyone trying to deal with key changes. They will think this way. All the free tuning software gets it correct but a software costing $129 US and up can't even get it correct. They will see one software company getting wrong because another software company got it wrong as the blind leading the blind. It clearly does not help sales. I did a complete about face and steered the vocalist clear of BIAB when I saw the Vocal Wizard was all screwed up. He agreed to wait until it is fixed.

I will leave myself a reminder to check each BIAB release to see if this is fixed. When the fix goes in I will upgrade and let the vocalist(s) in the group know. There are actually 4 of them (three of them don't have BIAB). I will send the email out to the whole group of 30 that this has been fixed and send a picture of the vocal wizard as well.

In the midi pitch frequency table maybe C0 is called zero because humans cannot hear it. So with this idea C1 would mean the first C that humans can hear. If my theory is correct then these midi people understand what I am talking about. They are likely to be systems analysts (a step above programmers) or maybe systems coordinators (even farther up the experience chain). In other words they choose zero because it relates to humans in some way rather than 0 or 1 being standard in computer programming tables.

Last edited by bowlesj; 12/19/20 05:30 AM.

John Bowles
My playing in my 20s: