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#636507 01/15/21 06:22 AM
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MarioD Offline OP
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This way out of my comfort zone.
Now you know why I do instrumentals!

A Sad Country Song

BiaB Style = _Vacant.sty vacant old country folk w/ps

A Sad Country Song


This is a sad, sad country song
About things, that can go wrong
It's not about mama, who died on the train
Or the prison, where my daddy was slain
It's not about beer, or being a drunk
It's worst then that, it's about, my pickup truck


I bought me, a self driving pickup truck
And at first, it brought me luck
With it driving me around, it was real neat
With me and my girl, in the back seat


Then one day, I said play me some Willie
It said not today, you old hillbilly
Today, I'm gonna make you sophisticated
By playing classical music, the kind you hated


We fought all day long, over that damn song
And some would say, that was wrong
And I know, that this sounds silly
But damn it, I wanted Willie

The truck said our gas, was really low
So we stopped, at Filler Up Joes
When I went in, the store to pay
My self driving truck, drove away


We fought all day long, over that damn song
And some would say, that was wrong
I never saw, that truck again
And now that I think about it, my girl friend

She was in the back seat!

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64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware
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Hi, Mario !:))

This is super, I like it very much !
I love everything about it, tune,
that supernice slide, vocals, story
and naturally the mix !

Your best country ?


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This is a great fun song.
Your girl ran off with your truck.
I bet you miss the truck!
Loved it, great story line.

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Ha, ha! Got a chuckle, a smile, a smirk, a guffaw and a hoot outta me, that's for sure, and I didn't even finish all of my beer(s). The first "humorous" song I've listened to on this forum. Easy to imagine the loud, smokey and noisy drinking establishment the song would likely be performed in. Music was just right, poking along to your very-low-gear vocal performance that seemed to declare to the audience, "Ladies and gentlemen, if you don't mind, I think I'll just take my sweet time singing this song , thank you very much!" Ha, ha, again!

Last edited by Ardent; 01/15/21 07:24 PM.
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Nice one Mario.
I was, initially concerned about the treatment of the vocal then i realized my brain was focussing because the vocal is slightly off centre.
Fun, well constructed and well performed.
Nice one!

"What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?" - N.Lowe
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What a clever idea for a song. A novelty hit! Very well done all around (lyrics, vocals, and band). Great job.

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Very sad.
Very Country.

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Dani, Rob, Ardent, Ray, jpt3, and Floyd for listening and commenting on this song. I greatly appreciate any comments.

Ray, I put the vocals slightly off center so when the harmony part comes it is directly opposite the lead. That plus my brain is slightly off center also!

Have you ever noticed there are no lines to a bathroom at a water park?

64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware
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Hi MarioD,

it's great this composition. I had fun listening to it. The sung narration is very well done and the end made me laugh.

Kindly regards
Take care of yourself

alias JaniJackFlash

Kindly regards
alias JaniJackFlash
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The vocal quality is striking, if not a mite hard to understand in parts. Still, for someone just trying a country song for the fun of it, the effect is astonishing, in good taste, with a great sense of humor as the story unfolds.It rolls right along, just as it is supposed to.

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Hey Mario ...

And who says you can't write a country song? well, ya did! It gave me a David Allan Cole moment. And your vocal was pretty dang good, I thought. I think it's always fun to occasionally jump into uncharted waters just to see what happens. I enjoyed it a lot! It wouldn't hurt my feelin gs (or my ears) at all if you did a vocal here and there. Lots of fun!

Best to you and yours.


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I guess that was the only personal tragedy that hadn't been sung about in Country ...

And, oh man, if you could see my eyes soaking wet. Those salty tears dropping on my jeans. Still can't figure it out: tears of sadness or tears of laughter...?

Where's that darn Kleenex box...?



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I'm pretty sure there is no "outside" of your comfort zone, Mario. You are so relaxed in this one, and I can't believe you could comfortably sing it with a straight face. Love the harmonies, too. Really outstanding lyrics, man. Hahaha. Gotta pay on it, and your girlfriend is still in the backseat. Wow. Genius. Sad songs can make you cry, but this one brings out tears of laughter. Mario, if I'm wrong about there being no outside to your comfort zone, please never go back inside.

Enjoy whatever happens!

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Awesome tune Mario. Loved the lyric. Got to tell you after listening I miss your truck lol. Super country tune. Well done

Scott Collingwood
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Mario ... you are a class act. Please, please, please don't ever change a thing and please trust yourself as a songwriter ... this is superb. I loved it - couldn't stop laughing for all the right reasons ... but, look, with you there is no such thing as a "comfort zone", to us listeners at the very least.

I am not going into hyperbole when I say that I look forward to listen to whatever you've just created when you post on here ... and you never, ever disappoint. Your instrumentals I love for your command over harmony, arrangement skills and, of course, creativity ... and this? This was both amusing to the point of tears of laughter and a superbly crafted song. AND I enjoyed hearing you sing!!! So please don't worry about stuff like comfort zones and just belt out whatever you want to create :-) - with you in the driving seat, if you arranged the proverbial telephone book to music, it'd sound amazing ... which brings me to your lyrics ... I'm still grinning, but - again - wonderfully crafted :-)

Encore! More! :-) Keep creating, sir ... a joy to listen.

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This one put a smile on my face - thanks for sharing smile Easy on the ears and a change of pace for you I'd imagine - good work on this!

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Derochette, thanx so much for your rave review.

Ed, thanx for listening and commenting on my song. Yes I am not very good at enunciation. I do need work on that.

Alan, Thanx, and I was in uncharted waters for sure. Maybe I will sing a few more songs, who knows?

Setfan, thanx for that very clever review.

Marty, A nice thing about BiaB is that you can go outside your comfort zone and the backing tracks will sound terrific. It's I and my instruments that have outside your comfort zone problems. I'm glad you liked the song.

Scott, thanx so much for listening and commenting on this song.

James, thanx for that outstanding review.

Deryk, thanx for listening and commenting.

I greatly appreciate all of your comments, both good and those of constructive criticism.

Have you ever noticed there are no lines to a bathroom at a water park?

64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware
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Ha! You ought to step out of your comfort zone more often, Mario. Really enjoyed it.

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Well, I don't know why you don't do more vocal songs smile
Funny lyrics using country cliches cleverly and the surprise twist at the end is hilarious. Your vocals match the 'sad and experienced country singer' mood perfectly.


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I know longer have a pickup but if I did and it was stolen I would feel compelled to retire to a dark recess of the home and write a sad country song also.



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