answer is you can't record right and left because your guitar is providing a mono input and you need to set the track to mono. however mono tracks can use stereo fx added in RB - there's an option to check. you can also pan the track left or right in the mix despite it being mono. i think you are probably confused because you are setting the track to stereo and of course it records one side only with a mono input.

the only reason to record a guitar in stereo i can think of is if you were recording the output of a processor that adds fx like stereo chorus or ping pong delay. you aren't if you are plugging your guitar straight in.

your guitar produces a mono output so set the track to mono.

some gibson ES model guitars in the past called themselves stereo but that was so that different pickups could be fed to different amps with different settings in the days before multi channel amps.

by the way check amplitube as a plugin - you'll recognise the set up from stomp boxes and amps we all use in real life and the effects are absolutely amazing.

Last edited by Bob Calver; 01/18/21 01:16 AM.