Hello Alan,

At first, I liked the story how you and Di came to the title of the song.
I love how observations leads to something like that or to a melody itself.
And speaking about the melody, I can agree with -I think it was- Floyd about how amazing it is how you can make instrumentals sounds so beautiful and entertaining.

And I had to smile about what you wrote to Dave(?) about you and Daws. So recognizable. You don't want to know what kind of words I used about them, all those plugin's and whatever more ("ten ways to impove your vocals" on YouTube). Horrible.
But I tried and tried, because how my music sounded in my head wasn't exactly how it did in real. So there was a long way to go and still is to make that gap smaller.

But enough of that, I enjoyed the story and -even more- the song itself. I could almost see those raindrops in all colours...


Hans Berkhout