(for Jeff Yankauer)
1. Back Story.
in the days of yore i started on powertraks , and in those days it did various things other (often very expensive) daw software couldnt do jeff.
one of the features i got hooked on was good old bars view.
i fixed up a "lot" of songs useing this feature ages ago. both midi and audio.
i'm not sure if many users explore the bars view; BUT as an ex tech / and occasional coder in the past i feel BARS VIEW should be brought out front and center into the spotlight and given its time in the sun !
cos there are sooo many things it could be used for.
the basic concept being a totally flexible "bars and parts of bars" settings environment.
and thus i would be less likely to use other daw environments.
if not already done so please see pipelines graphic he was kind enough to do for me of a new bars view.
https://www.pgmusic.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=download&Number=16716&filename=Muso-Bar-Window5.png2. The features.
the idea is not only could the user hilite parts of a bar or one bar or several bars and move or copy bits of a trak around the timeline for a trak or group of traks eg copy chorus 1 to 3 etc as a crude example...but ALSO do some really nice things like instead of pushes, slide a part of a bar or a whole bar or several bars.
in addition by right cliking on any "cel" or group of "cels"...
any setting could be changed. eg change a midi voice/patch for example or whatever.
the user could also draw in automations in bars view.
hiliting and right cliking in bars view would be used extensively.
right clik useing mouse on a bar or series of bars hilited or group of traks would bring up an extensive list of features. (not done now. old style p'traks type menus still used.)
lets just take a simple example. at bar 35 i want a midi violin to lower in volume.
right clik on cel and select vol change and a little vol slider appears on screeen.
same with pans. or at bar 76 of a vocal is a slight plosive..right clik on cel and do a subtle slight fade in on plosive. or another example. ... tween bars 45 and 53 i want a zany geetar ive recorded to slowly bounce around in the stereo image in tempo...so i hilite those bars and draw in a pan automation.
YES I KNOW THESE ARE CRUDE EXAMPLES...i cant go into every single user daw situation.
BUT i think you get the idea. ie make bars view a major player where a user can flexibly change lots of different settings. in many cases it might obviate the need to use an event editor.
i find personally (must be psychological) with bars view imagery i would work more easily rather than event editor view.
in closeing originally pg coders must have created bars view for a reason.
so why was it created ? but its potential never fully explored from a user standpoint ?
i think it has wonderfull potential. lets take another final example....at bar 67 my vocal is
"slightly flat" ..thus hilite bar for that vocal trak , right clik ...select fix notes....and there you go.
or same deal with a geetar "off note".
please sir can i have more bars view !!
please jeff ...my b'days coming up lol.