Hi Steve,

The 18i20 was on the shortlist and is the least expensive solution.

I also was looking at a PreSonus Quantum 2626 26x26 Thunderbolt 3 Audio Interface M1 Chip Compatible, 26x26-8 Mic Pres at $650.

So...a hundred bucks difference...not an issue. I put a thunderbolt card in the new machine when I built it, just in case.

At the moment I have one electric guitar (mono), two microphones, vocal and ribbon (both mono), and two analog inputs (stereo) from the main keyboard. All the midi stuff runs through another interface.

I did fail to anticipate getting into animation and as crazy as it seems I now need to run three monitors. The Z390 MB only has 32 gigs of ram...enough??...not sure yet

There are only two HDMI outputs on the GPU.

There is another HDMI port on the MB and I "ASSUME" I can connect the third monitor but I don't really don't know.


Why do bagpipe players walk while they play?
To get away from the noise

What kind of music should you listen to while fishing? Something catchy!