Originally Posted By: Pipeline
So you have the "AudiophileVersion.txt", you don't need to rename the .wma just leave them and it should choose .wav
I have. I had put it just into the RealTracks folder, but I've now also copied it first to the bb folder and then to the Drums folder. The first of those looked like it changes something as the yellow pop-up appeared different.

EDIT: as adding this/these file did not solve the problem, after getting things working I tried removing all AudiophileEdition.txt files and the .wav tracks still play as expected.

Originally Posted By: Pipeline

Did you run the installer or copy the bb folder from win drive ?
You can try and copy the bb folder directly from the Windows machine.

I installed it. I'll try copying (I'm not sure there's enough space at present, but most will likely copy OK. I'm considering rebuilding this whole machine with an SSD, so if this works out OK, I'll ensure the AVL:MXE partition has enough space. The copying takes a while ... at least a couple of hours as I write.

Originally Posted By: Pipeline
You can hit the printscreen button to read the yellow flash popups or

Ah ... found that. It may appear both there and/or
though as I'm part way ythrough the copy, I may have replaced them with older files.

There are also a few other *og.txt files that may be useful, though some are from 2020, so presumably obsolete. I'd previously been searching only for files ending .log .Log or .LOG

OK, copy complete.

Oh, wow, the RealTrack is playing!

A quick check of a non-.wav file does not play, so presumably I will have to decompress all the .wma files. I've just used ffmpeg to decompress the drum track and that now also plays.

This copy is still not activated ... presumably PG do some kind of validation against hardware (or its simulation).

I wonder if I can prove which changes were needed and which were not. I shall try some tests.

Thank you so much for your help and patience, pipeline.

I'll report further finding here.

Last edited by Gordon Scott; 10/16/21 12:58 AM.

Jazz relative beginner, starting at a much older age than was helpful.
AVL:MXE Linux; Windows 11
BIAB2024 Audiophile, a bunch of other software.
Kawai MP6, Ui24R, Focusrite Saffire Pro40 and Scarletts