Hi David,

Let's say all that stuff you said about yourself is true...perhaps.

It does not change anything. I like you just the way you are.

I don't play my Bach on my classical guitars only because I don't know how. People are going to be playing Bach long after you and I are long gone from this world.

No one needs to apologize for liking vinal or crap MP3 on a bloody cell phone for that matter.

I have vinal, cassette tapes, reel-to-reel tape, CDs, and even some crap MP3s on my cell phone. The tape may sound the best, for a while at least. It does deteriorate. The vinal sounds warm and friendly and will last for a very long time. It is my favorite for several reasons, it is analog, moves, you can see it, you can touch it. It lives in the same room and not somewhere in cyberspace.

I use to be stuck in the past lamenting the fact that all my old blues friends died and left me here alone.

Well, lately I decided to move on. Went out and found me a twenty-two-year-old girlfriend. So stop right there...not that kind of girlfriend...lol

What she has made me aware of is that there is a lot of "modern" music and musicians that are as good as anything we have been accustomed to from the past. I have missed a lot because I was so turned off too much of the modern music and just stop listening to new stuff.

Three this afternoon at my house for the first recording/writing/collaboration session. Perhaps Punk Rock Bach...lol Who knows what will develop.

So...David, why don't you post some of that Cello music you play for us? We like that stuff also you know.

Happy Holidays to everyone.


New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo