Originally Posted By: David Snyder

But the biggest problem is that 99.999999% of the effort put forth by people (and taught by others) is solely on marketing, not writing.

I think this is your own belief. There's some truth in it, particularly about that's what's being taught in book marketing....HOWEVER there is a much simpler explanation which I think is more accurate.

Most people are bad writers.

Most people don't have or won't spend the money on a good editor.

Many people are more interested in a promotional book to sell something else. (again because that's what they were taught)

And finally, we are living in an age of fluffy-ness. And that lack of depth is reflected in the arts of this time period as well. The average attention span is down from what had been 25 seconds 20 years ago to just a few seconds.

Most people don't have any real connection with real humans any longer. (This happened way before physical social distancing.

Are brains are being programmed from the addictive dopamine hits we get from interacting on social media.

Our culture is/has become one of entertainment not education. Thus more video focused and much less reading focused. And more superficial than ever before. More narcissistic than ever before.

So yeah, the music reflects the overall decline of that our society is going through. The good news is when things get bad enough, great music will come out of it. And the whole process will start all over again.

This thread touches on strong topic for many people. It's no surprise that it strikes a strong nerve sometimes.

My own belief is live your truth. And don't get too hung up on whether or not it's actually true. Because for the most part it's only really gonna be true for you.