My real reply would take almost a book, but I will try and hit some highlights.

When I was younger, I use to hang out with some of the world's top medical experts in neuroscience and other fields. Across the board they were horrified by advances in technology and felt that people would become so reliant on computers for basic thinking that the human capacity for discernment or critical thinking would totally disappear. Some even said they had empirical evidence that the human brain was de-evolving. In other words, technology is making us stupid. To quote an example given by a forum member, how many people can calculate a tip in a restaurant now without the calculator on their iPhone? You would be surprised. I think these doctors were not only right, they were prophetic.

I always grew up feeling and believing that music is the purest expression of the human soul.

If you use a flute, a piano, any other instrument(s) or even Band-in-a-Box to capture and present deep feelings that represent an "expression" of your soul, then I am eagerly waiting to hear. Yes, a tool is just a tool. It is the "soul" part that is most important.

When I read most books today, or listen to most new music today, would I so often find missing is the "soul." It all seems rather lifeless. In books, I see attempts at clever plots, but I am left wondering: have you ever met a human being? A real woman? A real man? Do you have the slightest idea what makes people tick? What makes people do what they do? The foggiest clue? Almost everything today (to me) reads like a cartoon.

When I listen to most new music: same thing. I hear robots. I am not moved. There is nothing "human" to recognize. I don't hear the human soul. I hear a computer.

BUT, I am a huge fan of BIAB and products like it when they allow me to add FLAVOR to the stuff I am working on. A huge fan. There is a line that you cross when you bring nothing to the table yourself, though, and I think most people know were that line is. You have to be careful with the robots, unless you want to become one. (Yet, I cannot begin to express how much I have LEARNED from Band-in-a-Box by studying great players play, in notation, and trying to do what they do. That is a gift to humanity.)

All that I have said is the reason why I turn on the classical station at 8 a.m. and usually do not turn it off until 11 p.m. It stays on all day. My soul recognizes what it hears, in this case.

Final note: although we do not always agree on this forum, it is still the only forum I really visit. There are some smart people on here for sure.

I used to visit the big name social media platforms (albeit briefly) and I just couldn't take it. The level of self-promotional absorption and constant "branding" and hype is just too much. I can't handle it.

That is my short version. The longer one is 500 pages.