Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso
super wow , this amazed me re the vocals.
us vocalists are gonna be redundant...lol.

Hi, OM.

There are some great guitarist in BiaB, but I don't think we have to worry about guitarists being made redundant by the software. wink

But it sure makes it a lot easier for me when I want to go back and make any changes to the lyrics or music!

A couple of years ago I was bugging PG Music to add support for voice synthesis in BiaB. There's now an option to export lyrics in MusicXML format, but... I don't think anyone is using it.

Then again, with the advances is vocal synthesis, I suspect that the technology isn't that far away from being fairly common technology, so it may show up in BiaB sooner than later.

Thanks for stopping by to comment. I appreciate the positive comments! smile

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?