Dr. Gannon and the whole PG Music family...

I have said it a million times and it is more true today than ever - Band-In-A-Box is a miracle.
As demonstrated by so many of the comments above - it is Life Changing.
Nothing else like it in the world.
Every musician - any level, any genre - should own a copy.

The generosity of these "awards" is mind-boggling.
The feeling of community (family, really) of the forum is incredible. Heartwarming.
The friendships that blossom here are priceless.

The Showcase has grown SO much over the years.
It has always been a caring and nurturing place.
An amazing number of high quality writers and producers make it one of the best music sites on all of the internet.
Hopefully, that translates to more new users/customers - to allow the company (and software) to continue to grow long after we are all too feeble to continue making music ourselves (although BIAB makes it so easy, that may NEVER happen).

Congratulations to all of the award recipients.

