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Preach it brother.

Also, I could also say there CAN be more to it than that. I have received excellent feedback from artists and producers in Nashville lately with very encouraging words, and I have some solid projects going.

I play instruments, obviously, but I also use BIAB for other tracks. No one is complaining. I am only receiving compliments, and as I say I have some VERY interesting things in the works.

Plus, I am actually selling my stuff right now, for sync, and also online.

It is a really fun "hobby" for sure--but there is a lot more that can be done here.

Bob, just to clarify the "demo" incident. That was in 1993 when I went back to college for the IT degree and took music classes to have more credit hours for my grant. The offender was a 19 year old kid who thought he could cheat his way into an A. In my mind had I let him get away with it, that would have devalued my A. (And I take that seriously as while going through a BA program in 3 1/2 years and the AS in 18 months I never had anything BUT an A.) That class met Tuesday and Thursday. He made "his" presentation Tuesday. On Thursday I asked if could present a composition and played the exact thing he did Tuesday. The prof asked "Didn't we just hear this on Tuesday?" I said "Yes. It's the demo song in a Yamaha DX7."

So it wasn't an elder who dud that. In 1993 I was 42 and he was 19. And lazy. And a cheat. Had I met busted him he would have cheated his way into an A.

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Eddie if you don't write a freaking song or at least have a verse and chorus for a decent collab when I see you at the party in April, I will run over you with your own camper dude.

Tune up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Write a song dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BIAB 2022!!!!!!!!!!! Plug it in man!!!!!!!


The clock is ticking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll have at least one that needs to be Snydered... kind of an indie thing.

Or is it Snyderized? Snyderated?

We should actually make that a requirement. Bring a new song in for us to mess with. Or mess up.

Last edited by eddie1261; 03/06/22 05:27 PM.
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I’m with David on this one. I do a lot of Band-in-a-Box one on one coaching. Procrastination is a big problem and people tend to use the technology to hide behind. “If only I had a better mic. If only I knew how to…” etc etc.

I say to them, just make a backing track of an easy popular song, choose Amazing Grace or Let it Be or whatever, switch on your mic and make a recording. Do this as often as you can and most importantly, have fun. But many people can’t (or wont ) do this.

I think people’s tendency to procrastinate is the reason for my YouTube channel’s success. They chance upon a play along of a song they know and love and think “hey, maybe I can play this” . They haul out their guitar and end up playing for 4 hours! Just starting is always the hardest part.

LyricLab A.I assisted chords and lyric app. Export lyrics and import directly into Band-in-a-Box 2024.
Play-along with songs you know and love, download SGU files
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Originally Posted By: jazzmammal
To get back to Billy's original post and considering this is PG's forum, the answer to him is whatever makes you happy is good. The point is to still make/play/listen to music. I've been on this forum for over 20 years and most here are hobbyists just having some fun. There are a few true pro's but most are just messing around having some fun.

At age 76, the worst thing I see with an old person who's still pretty healthy is they get bored. They never developed any worthwhile hobbies, never developed their minds in anything. They never had a real career, just worked regular jobs because they needed to live but the jobs never meant anything to them. Now they're retired with nothing to do but watch reruns of Oprah or something. This is why when I retired from the CPA firm almost 5 years ago now I agreed to still work part time for them as a remote consultant. It's why I still gig every chance I get, like I basically froze my butt off doing two outdoor gigs for Presidents Day in Avalon on Catalina Island. I had to play bass because our bass player was sick so I needed to work up some songs that I already know well but never paid much attention to the bass lines. In addition to that I'm a high tech geek and I watch a ton of YT vids about all kinds of stuff. I have a very curious mind and can find tons of things that interest me. The internet is the best library ever created in the history of the human race.

I say this to not brag, far from it. I know there a lot of elderly people on these forums. If you're retired and do not stay active to the best of your ability both physically and mentally, you're just going to waste away. I try to, gently of course, tell people this both in person and online.

All the toys we all have are all good. If you need to get rid of some of it to make space, that's sensible just don't quit making music. There is no downside to this, music improves the mind because of how it all works. I get Eddies point about somebody using a demo song and saying he wrote it and that somehow offends him. Fine, but the person who did that and posted it is probably older and is simply keeping themselves active by doing that and I say good for them. They're not trying to go to Sony and tell them Hey, listen to this new song I just wrote! Discussions like this always revert to the musical world in general, I'm trying to keep it real, here, on these forums.

Keep it up, don't give it up. If all you can do is a rewrite of Mary Had a Little Lamb using a Biab demo song, great I'd love to hear it and good for you. It's better than watching 30 year old reruns and drinking beer on your couch.


As this thread has turned out to be about everything other than the question I ask I will at least respond to what Bob has said.

I am 76 and I can assure you I am defiantly not bored. Turned on BIAB two or three times in the last two weeks. Played two of the three pianos I have here. Canceled my subscription to Auto-Tune Played two of the dozens of guitars I own. Oh, and my wife did dust off a few of the custom amps. Started another war protest song, then decided to put all my guns in good condition as better use of my time. Went to the gun range to see if I could still make a 1200 yard kill shot with my 300 Winchester Mag sniper rifle. Ordered another 4000 rounds of NATO 5.56X45mm Stocked up on 4000 gallons of diesel fuel for the ranch before the price went. Ordered twice the usual amount of fertilizer because the prices are going up. Got all my employees the third booster shot.

I may stockpile a lot of stuff but I can assure you I don't have a storage shed that I have been paying $150 a month for full of crap I have not looked at in three years that I just can't bear to part with.

The comment about excessive amounts of musical equipment was a much more far-reaching question.


New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo
I never saw a post that was a bigger flex in all my years here.

The answer to your question is "no". NONE of your vast collection of instruments makes music. You do.

Should we all now feel inferior because you told us about your 29 pianos and 723 guitars?

EDIT after some curiosity crept in:

I wonder if he typed that post while wearing an Armani suit and Gucci shoes or a Versace robe and slippers? While checking the time on his Rolex?

Makes me feel SO inferior because my shoes come from Sketchers, I wear cheap yoga pants and t-shirts all the time, and I don't even own a watch other than the one I got in 1961 for my Confirmation. (And it STILL WORKS!!) I never wear it but it came from my sponsor who was my "hero" big cousin and the reason I am involved with music.

I almost bought an expensive watch once but when I looked closer it was a Polex...

Last edited by eddie1261; 03/07/22 01:33 PM.
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Let me jump in.

I have 900 plugins so that makes me better than you!

Can you use Audacity? NO!!!!! It is not real. NO. I say WRONG!

Plus, I go to CHURCH, and so you can also go to...h...well you know.

Because I am BETTER than you and you are WRONG!!!!! You don't have Ozone 9 Advanced!!!!!!!!!

Does that cover it, Eddie? See you at the reunion!!!!!!

Yeah, Mr. Snyder, but I'm cute!!

I HAVE a lot of audacity, but I suspect that's not what you meant!

Not let me get back to my 29 pianos and 723 guitars and get this song done. I may even drop a few names of famous people while I'm at it, because as we all know, the successes of other people somehow makes ME better...

Oh, and while I am talking to you, my dear friends Steve Lukather, Joe Perry, and Neil Schon are not returning my phone calls, so you are next on deck for some solo work!!

Last edited by eddie1261; 03/07/22 01:34 PM.
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Just let me know when. Perry and Walsh just left actually.

I asked Walsh if he had the new full Kontakt player and he took a swing at me.

Funny, Petty did the same thing one night. Hmmmmm. Weird.

Well I'm ready when you are.

Attached Files (Click to download or enlarge) (Only available when you are logged in)
pedals.jpg (215.58 KB, 288 downloads)
Well, that explains why Perry didn't answer my call....

Well, thanks to Mr. Snyder I now have pedal envy, so I started digging through the junk closet and found a tremolo pedal, and I am headed to the second chance music store to pick up a phase shifter. And maybe 4 different distortion pedals and 2 flangers.

Let the measuring begin!!!

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Pedals... I used to not use them and technically.... I only have one that I don't currently use.


I have the Spark Amp with has amp and pedal models. What everything that entails..... I have a ton of amps and pedals....and I use them.

Here's a link to the list:

Category Amp Inspired by


Silver 120 Roland JC120
Black Duo Fender Twin Reverb
AD Clean Orange AD 30
MATCH DC Matchless DC30

ODS 50 Dumble ODS 50 HRM

Tweed Bass Fender Bassman
AC Boost Vox AC30
Checkmate Teisco Checkmate20
Two Stone SP50 Two Rock Studio Pro 50
American Deluxe Fender ’57 Custom Deluxe
Plexiglas Marshall Super Lead 100
JM45 Marshall JTM45
Lux Verb Fender Deluxe Reverb
Blues Boy Fender Blues Junior

High Gain

RB 101 Bogner Ecstasy 101
British 30 Orange AD30
American High Gain Mesa Boogie JP-2C
SLO 100 Soldano SLO-100
YJM100 Marshall YJM100 Signature

Treadplate Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier
Insane EVH 5150 III
SwitchAxe H&K Switch Blade
Rocker V Orange Rockerverb 50
BE 101 Friedman BE100

Insane 6508

Peavey 6505
Pure Acoustic PG Original
Fishboy Fishman Acoustic Amp
Jumbo PG Original
Flat Acoustic PG Original
RB-800 Gallien-Krueger 800RB
Sunny 3000 Sunn 300T
W600 Eden WTP600
Hammer 500 Aguilar Tone Hammer 500
Experience Jimi Hendrix™ for Spark

J.H. 45/100

Marshall JTM45/100

J.H. Super 100

Marshall Super Lead 100

J.H. Bass Master

Fender 1968 BASSMAN 50

J.H. D-Show Master


J.H. Sun 100S


J.H. Tone City 100

SOUND CITY One Hundred

Effect List
Category Effect
Gate Noise Gate
LA Comp
Sustain Comp
Red Comp
Bass Comp
Optical Comp
Tube Drive
Over Drive
Fuzz Face
Black Op
Bass Muff
Guitar Muff
SAB Driver
Clone Drive
Cloner Chorus
Classic Vibe
Tremolo Square

Guitar EQ
Bass EQ
Digital Delay
Echo Filt
Vintage Delay
Reverse Delay
Multi Head
Echo Tape
Room Studio A
Hall Natural
Plate Short
Hall Ambient
Plate Rich
Hall Medium
Plate Long
Room Studio B

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.
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Wow Herb! You are THE MAN!

Eddie, did he win the competition?? Is our beloved Herb, the biggest, baddest, most epic man of all international gadget-buying epic hero men with more stuff ever to strut and swagger his epic-ness on the forum???

How can we compete???

Should we crawl home and die or go over to his house on April 2nd and beat him up????

Wait...both of you guys are old school vets. Not sure I want to see this fight....

It could get nasty.

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Originally Posted By: David Snyder
Wow Herb! You are THE MAN!

Eddie, did he win the competition?? Is our beloved Herb, the biggest, baddest, most epic man of all international gadget-buying epic hero men with more stuff ever to strut and swagger his epic-ness on the forum???

How can we compete???

Should we crawl home and die or go over to his house on April 2nd and beat him up????

Wait...both of you guys are old school vets. Not sure I want to see this fight....

It could get nasty.

When I bought this amp, it was a mere $224 and included free shipping. When you come over I'll be glad to let you play around with it.

SPARK just released a MINI if the original was too big. The Spark is 40w stereo.... the mini is 5w stereo.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.
Mr Snyder, if Herb is not THE MAN he is at the very least a model of THE MAN!

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You got me to do some spring cleaning in the studio and I am glad I did.

This is not your setup per se with that Spark amp (which I looked at) but it is similar.

I can do a lot of things (because I have a lot of instruments) but one thing I just did was run a line out of the Fender Super Champ XD, which has some cool amp sims, using a tweed amp, into the audio interface.

Then I opened up Amplitube and tried some Fender amp sims at a low gain with the incoming amp signal, chaining the real amp to the fake one. It sounds REALLY good. Basically two amps, but one is real (and tube) and the other is not. I can keep the amplitube amp or turn it off and just use the pedals.

There is MORE than enough here for me to find more sounds than I will ever use, considering I have pedal boards, and effects racks too.

So I kinda jimmy-rigged a version of what you have and it is fun. I look forward to messing with it. With the amp speaker unplugged I get to keep my wife as well.

Well, at least for the time being.


It might be time for me to look at some of the other models on my Line 6 Spyder III. It has been on the same model for 5 years or so. I also have a Line 6 Pocket Pod I got cheap but have never used.

And my Tremolo pedal!!!

Though the Line 6 has all that stuff built in. Distortion, phase, flange, reverb, echo...

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Yeah, sometimes I think we all forget how much stuff we have that we haven't touched or plugged in for years.

If I simply turned the dials on the Super Champ XD, and flipped a few switches in Amplitube, and loaded in 1/100th of what is in real tracks (has anyone seen the 13 stem drum tracks in 2022 BTW??) and loaded 1/1,000th of the free loops in Bandlab, I would have to have another million years or so to finish some songs with nothing but what I already have.

It's crazy. It really is.

But in a good way.


I ain't complaining!!!!

This takes me back to being a young stupid kid who went out and bought a set of MacGregor Golden Bear golf clubs because that's what Jack Nicklaus played. And only Titleist golf balls because that's what Jack used..

And I still shot 93 to 95.

It ain't the clubs, and it ain't the gear. A 1958 Les Paul will still sound like me. A Selmer 7 sax will sound like a squeaky gate if I blow through it.

It ain't the gear. Learn major from minor, steps of a scale, why keys relate to each other.YOU make the music, not your gear.

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New! XPro Styles PAK 7 for Band-in-a-Box 2024 for Windows!

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XPro Styles PAKs require Band-in-a-Box® 2024 or higher and are compatible with ANY package, including the Pro, MegaPAK, UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, and Audiophile Edition.

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