Hi, all this is the first in a while. (As we say down this way, I've been a bit crook)
I have been playing around with some loops and wrote a BB song around them.
Other than the loops, its all Band in a Box.
Sounds ok to me. You be the judge.
I can feel it ****** Song Summary *************
Title: _I Can Feel It - Poetry British Psyc Soul w Oohs
File:I Can Feel It.SGU
Key=Fm , Tempo 100, Length (m:s)=4:28
12 bar intro, 32 bar chorus, from bar 13 to bar 44. Repeat x3 choruses
No Melody
Soloist track has 934 notes, Soloist harmony is < no harmony >(0)
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Style is _POETRY.STY (Poetry British Psyc Soul w Oohs)
RealTracks in style: 1174:Bass, Electric, PopCalypso Ev 100
RealTracks in style: 1408:Piano, SynthLayer, Rhythm Soul70sHeld Ev16 100
RealTracks in style: 3442:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BritPsycFunky Ev16 100
RealTracks in style: 3027:Vocal Oohs, Background Pop3-part Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 2816:Guitar, Electric, Soloist SmoothSoulSlowBrent Ev 085
RealDrums in style:FunkHalfNotePulse: a: Snare, Kickb: Busy Kick, Snare
A British psychedelic soul RealStyle that features a three-part background arrangement of vocal oohs and a syncopated funk electric guitar that plays a rhythm part. The vocal oohs stick to held chords while the guitar strums staccato chords. Electric bass plays with accents on beats 1, 3, and 4. A "synth layer" piano combines synthesizer with acoustic piano and plays a classic soul comping part. FunkHalfNotePulse RealDrums play a funk drum beat in their only variation, which has heavy accents on the beat.
This song is in the key of Fm and uses a mix pop, slash, and dominant chords that occur every 2 to 8 beats