I am looking for a possibility to add fills and solos at a particular places of a song using the BB plugin.

I usually get some pretty bad first recording of the song idea with a vocal and a single instrument. I use the BB standalone program to correct/equalize timing, entering a chord sheet and roughly selecting a style that could fit.
I create the songs as one chorus from start to end. Repeats don't help me as the songs often have no simple straight forward stucture.

Afterwards I continue with the BB plugin in my DAW doing more of the refinement work in combination with other tracks I recorded myself. There I usually replace tracks of the legacy style or add more instruments. Main purpose of BiaB for me is about adding instruments I otherwise wouldn't have or couldn't play myself. The big advantage of BiaB over other tools is that it not only provides a sound, but also reasonable playing for the instrument. Once everything seems to fit together, I move the BiaB tracks from the plugin to the DAW, where I then continue with mixing and mastering.

For adding solos and fills the utility tracks seem to be a good solution. But they are always playing from beginning to end.

I am looking for a possibility that such tracks come in just for particular parts. Some kind of volume automation for a track in the plugin could be a solution. But it would have to be persistent for the track, even when I change the instrument or the riff.

Some kind of bar list where I can define when a track should play during the song could be another option. But it has to be controlled in the BB plugin, not somewhere else.

Trying out, moving the track to the DAW and cutting/muting there is too cumbersome.

BiaB2023 Plus, Win11, AMD 6-core, 32GByte RAM, RME Fireface UFX, Samplitude ProX7, REAPER 6, Studio ne 5, Melodyne Studio, Toontrack SD3, iZotope MP4, NI Komplete 12, Korg Collection, etc.