There are so many GM sound sets based on Roland stuff it's silly.
Even the lowly Windows sounds are based on the most basic version of a Roland GM sound set. (though made even more degraded by MS turning it into a soundfont format and having Windows handling that) .. but you didn't hear that from me. Back in the day you could replace the GM.DLS file with a renamed SF and it worked fine. I used to be able to work with a 128 meg SF instead of their 3.5 meg file.
Read the GMReadMe.txt file in your Windows\System32\Drivers folder.

Haven't figured out how to replace that file since W7 and W10. They made it almost impossible (though I'm sure there is a way). Just not worth effort with the multitude of other options now.

I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome
Make your sound your own!