If you edit the script then do a search for:

just copy that text then on the script window Ctrl+F Ctrl+V Enter

if you have that function installed the text should be all yellow.

Biab track injector GUI.lua:1685: attempt to call a nil value (field 'JS_Window_Find')
go the line 1685 and check the text "reaper.JS_Window_Find" is yellow that the function is installed via SWS Extensions.

Biab track injector GUI.lua:2487: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value (global 'ppqpos')
it should be reading "x:\bb\Data\trackdata.txt" to get the midi info to insert in the reaper track.

there should be text in trackdata.txt like:
Paste into a spreadsheet. List of Events in the track=	147
Status	Channel	Stamp	Bar	Beat	Tick120	NoteNum	Name	Vel	Duration	
NoteOn	3	1080	1	2	0	69	A 5	84	240	
NoteOn	3	1320	1	4	0	69	A 5	84	60	
NoteOn	3	1380	1	4	60	72	C 6	84	60	
NoteOn	3	1440	2	1	0	71	B 5	84	360