He annoys me more because he continues to try to tell us he is some prime time producer, and he has produced nobody of note. Ever. Every kid in the 'hood with a laptop says he's a producer because they know how to loop 8 bars of audio and shout angry, racist, sexist lyrics over it.

If you need to make more money, Rick, be a REAL producer and produce albums for major bands rather than the recent high school graduate wannabe types who think they have "it". He makes enough to have a million bucks worth of gear so excuse me if I don't shed a tear when Youtube busts him for not following the rules he agreed to follow when he monetized. People like him are why I have an ad blocker that prevents me from having to watch imbedded ads on Youtube. Don't like the guy or anybody like him at all. His good pal the guitar player who never actually plays with anybody and has no band of his own is equally annoying. That guy once posted a few videos of him touring with some singer as they opened for small wannabe acts and they played TWO original songs of the singer's. 9 covers. I would be embarrassed TO DEATH to go on "tour" and play covers. IF I am going out on the road as a supporting act, the crowd (who really doesn't care about me at all) will get 10-12 songs I wrote and like them or not like them.