Man this has gone off the rails!. Beato found a way to make some money. Good for him. Most of his videos that have copyrighted music, don't make him any money as it goes to the copyright holders. He makes his dough selling his book(s) and courses and people "donating". Many people make decent money monetizing their videos and/or selling their goods to their viewers and subscribers. There are certainly plenty of talented people out there trying.

The topic of course is backing tracks. The response ranges from cheating to ok, big deal.

I think most people know they are used in "live" acts now more than ever because of any number of reasons that have been specified here. I don't think it takes anything away from those acts and as long as they are actually playing and singing something on stage you can say it is live.

It all comes down to personal preference. You can pay to see them or listen to them or not. Freedom of choice reigns supreme when it comes to entertainment. No reason to get all over people about it that is for sure.

My wife asked if I had seen the dog bowl. I told her I didn't even know he could.